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Good Evening,

After restoring my computer to factory conditions last week, I had chance to reinstall FS9, and more imporantly PSS's 777.

But...I had a display area...is this a missing file, or a font error?!?






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Looks as though you are missing some display fonts Sam?

I guess it is a question for JF support after a reinstall attempt. Make sure you have re-installed all the Microsoft updates the NET framework etc you just never know what fingers are in what pies :rockon:


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Shouldn't the necessary fonts be on the CD?

Isn't it just a case of uninstalling the product and reinstalling?

Also make sure your 'default flight' is unchanged. When you fire up the sim the aircraft that appears in the select an aircraft window should be the Cessna at KSEA - and if you were to fly it - (you don't have to) it would have the engines running and avionics set to Nav not GPS. This is important for PSS aircraft and very advisable for any add-on in FS9. Important data is gleaned from the default flight.

Have you tried a reinstall?

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This is a well-known issue with the 777, I have seen a lot of people complaining about missing fonts. Check the JF support section, and if not ask on their forum because they have definitely seen and corrected this issue in the past.

EDIT: Link to the JF support site's answer: http://www.justflight.com/faqs.asp?drdProduct=44&supportProductName=777%20Professional


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Make sure that you don't just drop the fonts in the Fonts folder as sometimes this doesn't work. The best method is to drop them on your desktop and then open Fonts. Go to File>Add Fonts and browse to the fonts on your desktop and add them via this facility. This will ensure that they are detected by your system

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