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Getting salt to Berlin - Sunderland style...

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Thanks Dai. My mother worked on Sunderlands during the war, so they've always been a favourite of mine (as a kid I used to go fishing off the old Shorts slipway). Sadly I never saw one flying, and just have to content myself with occasionally crawling over the museum plane at Hendon. I'd dearly love to see a decent FSX version... (I got burned with the truly awful FCS Wimpey, and vowed never to buy their stuff on spec again. I had my suspiciaons their Sunderland would be equally poor, and the feedback bears that out)

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What a magnificent video!

I remember reading somewhere - I can't find the reference - that the salt carried into Berlin was in bulk and that the resulting damage to the airframes, both from corrosion and the effects of using shovels to unload, lead to the demise of many of those so used. I may have seen that as part of the Fantasy of Flight exhibit here in FL but just can't put my fingers on the reference. Am going to visit there again in March and will try to confirm.

Anyway, it's a great airplane and a great video; I watched it several times. There's nothing like it and likely never will be again.

Thanks for posting that.


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At first I didn't realise she was over land - I bet the skipper got an earful when he got back, eh? :whis:

Oh, yes, did you hear about the Mk3 that actually landed at RAF Angle during WWII? I think they had to actually bring her down on the grass runway after sustaining hull damage during a sea rescue. I'm not sure if the fuselage was repaired, but it's likely that the aircraft would have broken up completely if they'd tried a 'normal' touchdown on the Haven's water.

Nice find, Joe - thanks! :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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