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Roll Up, Roll Up...the future of a new section here at MH needs your help.

Gauging Interest...  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Would a Scale Model sub-Forum be of interest to you?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Possibly (please post your reason below)
  2. 2. If you answered 'YES' or 'Possibly' above, please select the topics you'd like to see on it below

    • Scale Plastic Aircraft Models (e.g Airfix / Revell etc etc)
    • Die-cast Aircraft
    • Die-cast Vehicles (Cars, Motorbikes, F1 cars, Buses)
    • Military Vehicles (either die-cast OR Plastic scale model) e.g Tanks, Airfield vehicles, Mobile artillery etc
    • Hornby Railway Collectibles
    • R/C Aircraft
  3. 3. If you answered 'No' to Question One, why?

    • I answered 'Yes' or 'Possibly' to Q1.
    • This is a Flight Simulation community, models don't belong here.
    • Wouldn't be interested in using/viewing the sub-forum.
    • Other reason (please post your reason below)

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Hi guys & girls,

If I could just take a few moments of your time to ask you to complete the above poll, it'd be really great.

I've had a few mutterings with or beloved host Mutley regards gauging the interest here on MH for a sub-forum encompassing the world of Scale Models. Now, you might wonder what that has to do with a flight sim community, and you'd be right in asking, but I have no answer. However, from a few of my posts, and from both mine and Kierans blogs focussing on the hobby, there have been a few modelling related questions asked. Having a little area dedicated to answering those questions, providing a single area for tips, guides, even a quarterly group build-along thread (more on that if interest is noted) would really help de-clutter things on the main FS Forum and give a one-stop-shop for all you budding modellers, and those returning after a 'dry period' away from the hobby, to come and chat, discuss methods and more...

So, thanks in advance, let's see if we can get as many members as possible to vote, this really could be a pivotal moment!

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I voted no, not because I'm not somewhat interested but because modeling is a topic as high, wide and deep as flight simulaton. I don't think you can do it justice as a side-topic at a site that is specialized on an altogether different facet of the broad field of aviation.


I would be interested in seeing model photos, particularly from those I "know" from MH, but doubt that the depth and scope of content here could ever lead to it becoming a haven for modelers the world over. It's a fine blog topic for you and others who are pursuing it but I feel like it's diverse enough from Flight Simulation that to have a full sub-forum devoted to it would be inappropriate and a distraction from the primary theme of the site. Of course this is just my own opinion and the only opinion that really matters is that of the guy who owns the site and pays the bills for it.



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hi john, this is exactly the feedback that i was hoping for. A true, honest opinion from a well respected member of the community. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions, the poll will run till the end of march to give all the chance to vote and the overall consensus will be judged then. Once again, thanks for your input.

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Hi Simon

Like John, I'm not into scale model building any more - for a start, my eyes just aren't up to it and my tactile skills are not much better! However, I do enjoy seeing the results of other's labours in this area, so I'd welcome more posts on the types of model that you've described in the poll. Whether the subject would demand its own sub-Forum depends on the number of posts that are generated, I guess. Using the "General - chatter that does not fall into any of the other sections" sub-Forum would be a good place to start, and we could go from there.

So I've voted 'Possibly' and ticked the scale model boxes together with RC aircraft. As you say, let's see how the others react! :whis:

And thanks for raising this issue. :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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This reminds me of the National Census form I had to fill out today!!

John is right, really it would merit its own stand-alone forum. However, I am happy to create a new associated interests category as a service to our members. I can also think that a spotters forum could fit in too? If anyone can think of other interests please let me know.



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i wouldn't mind putting into a spotters forum with updates, logs etc from brize...and following my upcoming move to a new section on base and a whole new shift pattern, i'll have plenty of time on my hands.

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I don't see a modeller's area of the forum as an invitation or intention to host modellers the world over. I see it as a place where those of us members who enjoy the hobby, and there would seem to be a few, can get together for discussions about techniques, advice or opinions on kits etc amongst people we 'know', rather than going to a dedicated modelling forum where there are thousands of members and the response can be somewhat cold or clinical.

I've had that experience in recent weeks and I was much happier asking for advice and giving my opinion here at Mutt's than I was at the modellers forums I've joined, but rarely visit due to that fact.


PS - spotters forum? - I'm in! Been using the 'General' section of the Classic Brits forum for that up to now

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I'd be unlikely to seek out a full blown modellers forum, but having a subforum here might well give me the impetus to finish (or, in some cases start) the kits that I have mouldering away in a big box at the back of the wardrobe...

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Hey Si'

I've voted 'Possibly' as I have had some experience of RC Helicopters in the past.

My son bought a kit, we built it, joined a local RC club, had the main guy set it up and fly it for us, the wind caught it one day and I was in the way, it nearly took my arm off.

It was great fun and something I would like to do again sometime. (Not the arm bitth_smiles73.gif)

Having a section on MH will, I don't doubt, give members a chance to see what is actually on the market today and find the expert advice on the various topics you suggest.

Good luck and I hope to see the section here on MH.



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I also think (now that JD mentions it), that the Mutley's Hangar feel and warmth to fellow members will prevail and give helpful, honest advice, not cold, clinical and, sometimes (rarely, but I've seen it) downgrading and unhelpful comments. It's caused the death of one forum I was on.

I also think that it would bring the modellers into the more public FS domain. I know you need to be a member to see the blogs and some people don't look at them (no time maybe?) so maybe a sub-forum would be helpful

It may relight some poeple, it may not. We can't please everyone!

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i've had a few run-in's with RC planes myself Brian...i remember on my first outing writing off one of the instructors planes after trying to land it....althoug i admit i did try to land it through a rather large hedge at the end of the strip :whis:

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indeed it is JD, and you can count on me to assist - with or without a new 'area' here at MH.

on that note, please can i encourage any of the regulars who've not yet already voted to take this chance to place their opionions on the poll - it'll only take you 45 seconds, really....i promise.

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Hi Simon,

My son has asked me to enquire with you if you did the 12 countries Banger Run last year.

If so, My son Paul (SAC) was in the car painted in Seddon Atkinson colours as per RAF 2MT.

Cheers for now and good luck with your endeavours this year for H4H.



PS I tried sending this as a PM but your PM account must be full.001_th_smiles89.gif

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