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Kids and Planes: Continuing the tradition

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Ain't it great?

I'm taking my three-year-old daughter (who is already aircraft crazy) to the East Fortune Air Show (Scotland, east of Edinburgh) in a week and she is absolutely over the moon about it.

It's a smaller show - handful of acts but lots of great vintage aircraft on the ground (it's a museum in its own right) including two different types of 'Comet' (points to whoever knows both), a Vulcan and one of the infamous Concordes.

We live right under the entry-point for Tweed approach for EGPH, so we see a fair share of traffic where we live. Also, being in tweed valley, we get a lot of military craft doing nap-of-the-earth training through the valley about 500 off the deck. It's truly impressive to see them weaving and bobbing through the turns of the valley, especially when its a C130J!!

Anyways, my point was - it is so thrilling to be able to share this passion with children especially my own daughter.

Nothing makes the interest more enjoyable than that.

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That is great rabbitc,

My answer would be Nimrod XV241 and Nimrod XV241? Isn't the internet wonderful!!

Hope you have a great time and lets us know how you get on!



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Ain't it great?...........Anyways, my point was - it is so thrilling to be able to share this passion with children especially my own daughter.

Nothing makes the interest more enjoyable than that.

i wholeheartedly agree with you RabbitC, my 6-year old daughter simply loves air shows. We were at Duxford "Flying Legends" this weekend - you cant beat the sound of nothing but piston engined planes thundering through the air. Anyways, she absolutely loved it, not only the show but the whole museum it self, when she saw the Concorde there she said something that melted my heart - "Daddy, why is that pretty plane with the pointy nose not flying any more?"...i just couldn't work out the words to properly explain it to her, but i came up with "because some silly man in the aeroplane business says it can't..."

its such a great thing to share with your children, especially at such a young age, not only does it keep their interests away from the increasingly commercial world we now live in, but helps to preserve and protect the memory of those who went before us and flew these wonderful birds.

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Sorry Mut - you were going for the family rather than take the clue literally. Good guess though ;)

On show at East Fortune are the DH106 and the ME163...

Simi - yes, I can imagine that was a tear-jerking comment re the Concorde. It's a shame she was so thirsty. Let's hope we may someday see a modern, economical equivalent.

John, those are great pics! Where can I sign up for the newsletter?

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