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Hi All,

Many of you will have seen the T.V. show Ice Pilot's NWT. I have to admit that I love the show, truly admire the guys that are the real Buffalo Airways, along with the virtual airline that follows there every move.

Long may the big radials keep turning... But for how long can they and will they. 70 years later and the DC3's still fly, Mikey McBryan tells me they will out see he and I. In the fall of last year and at that time a managment member of Buffalo Virtual I had the oppertunity to Interview Mikey, and hears what he had to say to me and all at Flightsim.com.

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My feeling is this... They will not fly forever, Avgas is becoming scarce in NWT, and parts will become very expensive. What could relace the Dakota at Buffalo? Same Pax, range, speeds, etc etc.


Any other suggestions?


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I really like that show also. But I don't understand why they still fly those old planes. They have go to cost a fortune to maintain and the parts are getting scarcer everyday. It's even tough for them to get pilots that can fly the Lockheed.

While it's cool to see 60 and 70 year old planes still flying on a daily basis, from a business standpoint it just doesn't make sense. I mean, would you use a fleet of trucks from 1942 to run your trucking company?

The new turbo props are just so much more efficient, reliable and safer.

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The Evactor looks great, but not big enough, the replacement to the DC3 has to offer as much in most aspects...Thats why I proposed the Sh360. If they wanted to go bigger thn I would propose the following.


Looks far and ugly


Still dont like


My Buffalo- My vision of colour


Made in England

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