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Better Photos of the Boxcar

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OK, we had our fun with the "Press Release". We wanted that to look like a printed document and quality suffered.

Now it's time for some better resolution shots of Mutley's amazing repaint.

The Boxwings logo shows up five times on the AC. Can you guess where the fifth one is?


Don't tell Al Gore about this


Nose Art



Can you see #5 now?


Last sunlight, first stars...and the 5th Boxwings logo.


I'm going to have a good time with this bird in Cargo Pilot. I've already flown the first job, 74,000 lbs. of cargo to

Bangor, Maine, about 1,150 NM from Ocala. It burns a modest 4,500 lbs/hr. at FL 350, with a TAS of 340 knots. It

can carry over 66,000 lbs of fuel if you're not too worried about how much cargo you're able to carry - only about

35,000 lbs. with that much fuel. Do the range math...it's astounding.

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