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plan g - great planning tool but have quick question...

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Jim - do forgive my somewhat abrupt response to your query! Tim has put so much effort into both Plan-G - which, IMHO, is the best flight planning app pay/free-ware - and the Manual, that I thought it appropriate to point you in that direction. I'm sorry my abbreviation may have offended you and I really hope you get as much benefit from Plan-G as I have! :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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No offence taken mate I have been using it too but its a bit slow updating the map so thort I'd turn few things off! I think its great too but had that small question to ask thort it b easier to ask here than goin thru the manual again!

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That's fine - Jim. Right now, Plan-G is slow for me because of Google Maps. Sometimes the map comes up quickly, other times Google refuses to play ball and Plan-G exits. Tim knows about this, I think...

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Ah OK maybe thats the same reason as mine; thing is the map detail loads fine but the airports and I am guessing Plan-G details load a bit slow when I am zoomed out a bit.

Like I said its a great tool and it has many features that I love, so good job by Tim, I can definitely use it even at the speed I have it running now but obviously if it was a bit faster it would be better.

I am currently planning a flight plan that takes me around great britain; odd occasion running in land a bit to hit moutains in Wales etc but its more of a coast run. Like how you can put user defined waypoints - I have used these to pinpoint places that I want to fly over that do not have airports etc around them. To do this in FSX would be impossible - thank god for this tool :)

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It's very dependent on the speed of your internet connection, since the overlays have to go through google for georeferencing. Also google's servers don't scale particularly well, so performance degrades noticeably, the more things you have it draw. Google recommends no more than 2-300 plot points on a map; with a moderately largish window and a click or two on the zoom button, you can exceed 10,000 very easily. That's why it's very important to turn down details on maps at lower zoom levels.

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