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Sabre Air Deliveries "SAD"

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I'm doing the hired help until I get the Cargomaster then I might drop the help! Not made my mind up either!

I really want the Cargomaster tho so I'm saving to buy it outright - when I get home I shud have about 900k in the bank! Can't wait to do some jobs with it!

The hired help doing the extra work has helped considerably! Can hit 70k in one night with hired help! 35k for two nights would be easy!

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Well not really sad but S.A.D. that is Sabre Air Deliveries has opened it's doors at Fall City in the Pacific Northwest. We're a small one man band at the minute operating from the small airfiled of F

"In a bold move today the CEO of Sabre Air Deliveries announced the expansion of SAD into the express deliveries market. SAD would continue to operate out of Darrington Municipal utilising the 182 with their new pilot the CEO's son Alex. However in a bid out manouver other local operators the company had leased a C208B Cargomaster. The new aircraft would sport the new SadEx logo and livery, however the CEO insisted that this wasn't a move up market for SAD and he indicated the company would continue to haul anyone's junk for the right price."

The newly arrived Cargomaster


And inside it's first cargo is ready for delivery


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Wow bold move indeed :) Love the livery mate hehe wonder if you could get away with that in the real world? Lol!

I should be able to buy my Cargomaster hopefully later on tonight if not then tomorrow for sure!

Hope Alex doesn't do too much damage to you 182rg - is it insured?

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Wow bold move indeed :) Love the livery mate hehe wonder if you could get away with that in the real world? Lol!

I should be able to buy my Cargomaster hopefully later on tonight if not then tomorrow for sure!

Hope Alex doesn't do too much damage to you 182rg - is it insured?

Thanks Jim - no way of getting away with that livery in the real world :D :D It fit nicely with the story line and what I had planned - plus the edit was quicker than a full paint job :whis:

I've insured the 182, you know what these young pilots can be like, I just hope he makes more than he's costing me :rofl:

Good luck with the Cargomaster purchase - I'm sure you'll enjoy it - plus you get offered some much bigger value jobs. :pilotic:

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Hey nice job m8y :thum:

How about a new company logo! "Stoned or Drunk, I'm Flying a Pile of Junk" :rofl:

However!, the joke could be on me, because my AI pilot is out on her first flight right now, and I forgot to insure the ruddy plane, so I might end up as the one with a ton of scrap metal for sale! :scare:


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Hey nice job m8y :thum:

How about a new company logo! "Stoned or Drunk, I'm Flying a Pile of Junk" :rofl:

However!, the joke could be on me, because my AI pilot is out on her first flight right now, and I forgot to insure the ruddy plane, so I might end up as the one with a ton of scrap metal for sale! :scare:


Brave - that is all I'm saying ;)

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Well here I am the worried Father here sitting waiting to see if the son brings back my pride and joy - no not a dad waiting to see if the son brings back the car in one piece. But a virtual pilot waiting to see if the Air Hauler AI Pilot (named after my son :) ) brings the Cargomaster back undamaged.

I decided the Cargomaster was too expensive to have sitting around during the day so I gave the 182 a well earned rest and sent out the big brother on a longer haul.

Seemed like a good idea at the time now I'm not so sure - it's going to be a long anxious wait :D

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Good luck with that - there is no way my AI pilot is getting his hands on my Cargomaster :)

I'm on the way to afford a 2nd soon but not sure if I want the hefty insurance overhead!

What time will he be completing his jobs?

Keep us posted :)

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What time will he be completing his jobs?

Keep us posted :)

Well he made it back safe 'n' sound and more importantly he brought the Cargomaster back in one piece :dance3:

Can't get on for any flying myself today so I've sent him out again even though I feel this is pushing the boundaries of my luck - another anxious day ahead with fingers firmly crossed.

Just hoping to generate enough cash to expand SAD with a further aircraft, probably the Cessna 310R that way I'll have a nice choice of aircraft when I get to fly in AH myself provided my son doesn't break any of them :yesa:

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Glad the Cargomaster came bak in one piece mate u got it insured?

Yeah I took the plunge and insured it - figured it was the safest option with the son flying it - you know what youngsters can be like :rofl: :rofl:

It's expensive to insure if I recall :wacko2:

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Glad the Cargomaster came bak in one piece mate u got it insured?

Yeah I took the plunge and insured it - figured it was the safest option with the son flying it - you know what youngsters can be like :rofl: :rofl:

It's expensive to insure if I recall :wacko2:

yep! that's the safest bet buddy, remember when I lost the engine of the 182 up in the Rockys! :help: well It cost me over 10K to get it recovered, and another 59 grand to fix it :cray: .

BTW: the 310 is working out great in the hands of my AI pilot, it's faster than the 182RG so she can get in more jobs, and it can carry a bit more cargo as well so that makes more $ for me :yesa:


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In a bid to counter recent press statements the SAD CEO announced today that:

"SAD are pleased to announce a further expansion of their Express Delivery Division with the acquisition of a second 208 Cargomaster. The CEO also revealed that his daughter (who had recently returned from a skiing holiday where she'd met some Mickey Mouse Circus owner) would be joining the truly family run business. The CEO went on to announce how proud he was over his son Alex's recent promotion to Captain adding that he hoped the sibling rivalry would now stop given that both his children had now reached the same rank."

The CEO of SAD released a picture of himself and his daughter with one of the companies Cargomasters at Anacortes.


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Stormin' thru the £1M barrier

Sabre Air Deliveries finally burst through the £1M barrier today with a delivery of DVD's back to home base at Darrington. Despite the poor weather S4DEX managed to fight its way through the storm to allow the company to reach this key landmark in its short history.

S4DEX stormin' home


A commemorative shot of the £1M delivery


The CEO of SAD promptly held a party at Darrington Municipal. In a statement he said "He was delighted to reach this key landmark and insisted he wouldn't sit back on his laurels and would continue to drive SAD forward." The CEO would not be drawn when confronted with a photo from the party allegedly showing a bikini clad "Madcow" chatting with members of staff from SAD.


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"SAD Good news"

SAD is pleased to announce the further expansion of this family run business. The company have extended their Express delivery service across the pond back to the owners roots in the North of England. The SADuk base has been established at EGNC Carlisle. In a press release today the CEO stated that "The move into Nothern England would place SADuk in an ideal location to cater for the delivery of junk both north and south of the border" The CEO refused to comment on speculation that recent scenery developments had anything to do with the decision to locate at Carlisle. He went on to say "SADuk would be utilising their favoured Cargomaster and had also recruited another family member the CEO's brother to assist with the flying duties"

It is understood that the CEO will be dividing his flying time equally between Darrington and Carlisle. The latest developments mean that SAD now has two purchased aircraft the 182 RG and Cargomaster with a further two leased Cargomasters. A source close to SAD indicated that business had been good and it was likley that the second Cargomaster lease would be bought out very soon.

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How's he going to get between Darringto and Carlisle? And keep away from the islands, my cousin "Big" Robbie Hagarssohn has aye got the haggis-launchers ready . . .

I don't want to give too much away to keep the competitive edge but we'll be using cutting edge technology for sure ;)


See the similarities???? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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"SAD Bad News"

SAD is sad to announce the suspension of all "junk" deliveries on both sides of the Atlantic. Staff at both Darrington and Carlisle have been sent home on full pay following the discovery that computer equipment controlling all SAD operations has been damaged. In a statement SAD said "It was unfortunate that the problems had surfaced when the company had moved to the next phase of their expansion schedule".

No SAD representatives were prepared to comment on rumours of foul play. A local shopkeeper in the Darrington area, Mr Hugh Jarce - reported that a mysterious power cut had effected the area over the weekend and during the power outage strange silhouetted figures with funny hats mumbling "oot" "oot" had been spotted near the SAD HQ. Local Police passed off a report by a known whino Tan C'dup that he'd shared a bottle or two with a bunch of Mounties passing through on their way to a Hockey match.

The CEO of SAD indicated that the company operations would be suspended for between 3 and 5 working days while the GFX card was either repaired or replaced. Regular updates on when flying would start again at Darrington and Carlisle would be posted on the SAD Website

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A local shopkeeper in the Darrington area, Mr Hugh Jarce - reported that a mysterious power cut had effected the area over the weekend

That must have been "MAD Birdcage Mike's" Teddy Bear hitting the power lines after he threw it out of his cockpit at the weekend :P;) .


PS: Good luck with the new vid card :) .

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