Sabre 28 Posted March 3, 2012 Author Report Share Posted March 3, 2012 "SAD Better News" I think SAD is pleased to announce the resumption of flights on both sides of the Atlantic. The CEO has decided to take a break from the cold winters of the Pacific North West and fly over to take in the sunnier climate at Carlisle in teh North west of England!!! There is remaining concern over the computer equipment in use at SAD as no conclusive solution has been found to the PC problems. In a statement SAD said "It was pleased that operations had now resumed and the company had moved to the next phase of their expansion schedule with the purchase of the second Cargomaster lease". It is believed theat SAD are now looking to purchase the remaining lease for "208 SADER" which is based at Carlisle. The CEO of SAD also revealed his concern over suspicious characters seen at one of the SADuk delivery venues (EGNG Bagby) and he would not rule out that the RCMP may have stretched the long arm of the law over the Atlantic. The CEO released this picture to the press indicating foul play and suggested that the hoodlums may have targetted the aircraft in a case of mistaken identity thinking that the aircraft belonged to SAD. The CEO added that he was pleased to meet up with his brother at Carlisle where they had taken delivery of their new aircraft. Link to post Share on other sites
PanzerFodder 0 Posted March 4, 2012 Report Share Posted March 4, 2012 Nice update mate, love the S4DER repaint Who's the guy in the white shirt picking his nose? hope it's not you Cheer's...Graham... Link to post Share on other sites
UKJim 502 Posted March 4, 2012 Report Share Posted March 4, 2012 Nice update mate, love the S4DER repaint Who's the guy in the white shirt picking his nose? hope it's not you Cheer's...Graham... LMAO Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted March 8, 2012 Author Report Share Posted March 8, 2012 Who's the guy in the white shirt picking his nose? hope it's not you Cheer's...Graham... I thought it was you come to wave goodbye to another cargo PFC lost to SAD Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted March 8, 2012 Author Report Share Posted March 8, 2012 "SAD Annoucement" SAD is pleased to announce they have secured the purchase of the SADER Cargomaster lease. This means the SAD now owns all of its aircraft. The fleet stands at three Cargomasters and one Cessna 182 (the original SAD) aircraft. SAD have also indicated a desire to expand the cargo carrying capacity of the fleet and are now actively working towards securing both another larger base in the PNW and a larger capacity aircraft. The CEO was less than complimentary about rival hauling companies. In a statement the SAD CEO said "Hopefully the purchase of the latest aircraft would put an end to the hysterical drum beating by the Circus Clown and the Mad Bird. There have been some vicious rumours about Mrs SAD but I'd like to clarify that my wife is and will continue to be staying with me in the North West of England. I'm sorry that messrs Clown and Bird appear to have been duped by some local woman of the night who has clearly been intent on fleacing them of their hard earned hauling income. In a further announcement SAD did however confirm that there had been a minor incident at Carlisle resulting in £23K worth of damage to the Cargomaster. The aircraft had been out of action for two days but had since resumed deliveries with a flight to York. SAD refused to comment on suggestions that the CEO's brother who heads up the Carlisle hub is rumoured to be back on the drink. Link to post Share on other sites
PanzerFodder 0 Posted March 9, 2012 Report Share Posted March 9, 2012 SAD refused to comment on suggestions that the CEO's brother who heads up the Carlisle hub is rumoured to be back on the drink. Look's like he's turning out to be a chip off the old block!, he should fit in very well with the rest of your crew . Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted March 14, 2012 Author Report Share Posted March 14, 2012 "SAD Annoucement" SAD is SADened to announce a break down in relations at their EGNC Carlisle hub. The SAD CEO indicated that insurmountable differences between himself and his brother meant he would be returning to the Pacific North West with immediate effect. This decision has thrown the future of the Carlisle hub into turmoil, however as yet it is understood that no final decision has been made as to the what the future holds at EGNC. The world of hauling has had concerns for some time over allowing a known alcoholic to be in charge and has long suspected the arrival of the CEO as a last ditch attempt to hold the operation together. Given it now appears that the CEO has been unable to influence his brother to take the "dry" route operations at Carlisle are under a dark cloud. A source close to SAD has suggested that the situation is far from clear cut and the family ties may be too strong to break completely. The source indicated that it was likely (certainly in the short term) that SADuk would continue to be financially supported but essentially the UK hub would operate virtually independently of the US operation. It seems that a personal assurance given to Mrs SAD senior (the brothers mother) seems to be behind the decision not to pull out completely. In typical style the SAD CEO was not prepared to comment on a picture released in the national press apparently showing his brother consuming alcohol just before a local delivery. Interestingly the article went on to say it had obtained important insurance documents showing that the day after the photo was taken a £39k claim was submitted for essential repairs to the S4DER Cargomaster. In a statement released after arriving back at Darrington the SAD CEO said "I am pleased to be back home and I will be concentrating all my efforts on moving the SAD business onwards and upwards. Despite rumours to the contrary SAD was in a healthy financial state with over £1.5M in the bank and a net worth of some £3.4M. We will be actively seeking to expand the business by opening another base in the area and I can confirm it will be in the US and not over the border. I would also like to assure SAD customers that a concerted effort will be made to raise the SAD reputation which has suffered recently due to cancelled jobs resulting from the computer hardware failure." Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted March 22, 2012 Author Report Share Posted March 22, 2012 "SAD Update" Just a brief update on SAD. The previously reported break down in relations over at the EGNC Carlisle hub continues to simmer on. SADuk is continuing to operate but it is very much an arms length relationship. The SAD CEO indicated that his brother was somehow continuing to obtain work despite his well documented problems. It all appears to be in the lap of the gods with reports of more damage to the Cargomaster and late deliveries. The good news is Carlisle is producing some good numbers and generating income at a steady rate. Meanwhile back at 1S2 Darrington the son and daughter combination are working the Cargomasters hard and they have pushed the SAD bank balance through the £3M mark. The SAD CEO has been running some of the shorter trips in the 182RG allowing him time to negotiate terms on the new SAD base. The future direction of SAD is still under wraps. A source close to SAD revealed that they'd heard another Cargomaster was being considered but the CEO also had his eye on an old Buffalo Airways DC-3 currently in storage at Red Deer. The source went on to say that the CEO's son and daughter had apparently both refused to even consider flying the old bird stating "it's a waste of money and if he gets it the Old Man can fly the Old Bird". Link to post Share on other sites
PanzerFodder 0 Posted April 2, 2012 Report Share Posted April 2, 2012 DC-3 nice old bird but a bit slow, (unlike your mrs! ) have you thought about getting a BAe Jetstream ??? it's the best turbo prop in FSX, or so I am told? . How is mrs SAD, not seen her doing the rounds lately??? Cheer's...Graham... Link to post Share on other sites
UKJim 502 Posted April 3, 2012 Report Share Posted April 3, 2012 The jetstream is gud but you will need to read the manual first as I blew mine up after taxiing just bout to takeoff Gud plane but for me it kept crashing my game! I only have one plane in my fleet at the moment. Was gona go for the DC3 but spotted the DC6 instead! Brilliant plane - quite fast too can do about 250knots unlike the DC3 at around 100knots Gudluck Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted April 3, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 3, 2012 I must admit I'm really not quite sure which way to go next with SAD. Real life has been kicking me hard recently so I've really had to leave the family (AI) to keep the money coming in as I've hardly been able to take to the virtual sky. I know I'm going to open a new larger base but haven't settled on which one or which aircraft to buy/lease. For some reason I've been having trouble starting the Just Flight DC-3 never mind something like the Jetstream. I do like flying the Cargomaster but I just want a bit of variation. Tempted by the Vancouver+ version 3 so that may help me decide on a new base and I've got the Twotter which I haven't flown much either. As for Mrs SAD she's safely under lock and key at present to prevent the apparently ever increasing number of hauling pilots from dropping into Darrington looking for a good time Plus there's no truth in the rumour that Darrington Local Authorty are looking to extend the runway and facilities at 1S2 due to this increased demand Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted April 8, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 8, 2012 "SAD Update" Darrington Daily Bugle - exclusive - "SAD Exit" The Bugle business reporter Sniffa Skandell has obtained information confirming that SAD have closed their UK base at EGNC Carlisle. There have been a number of previously reported incidents which lead to a break down in family relations, however it appears a rather unseemly incident in a Liverpool night club involving not one but two "Ladies of the Night" plus a subsequent major smash-up in the Caravan proved the final straw for the SAD CEO. The Bugle can reveal that the closure was swift although it understands all debts were paid in full. A source for EGNC said "It looks like SAD saddled up and rode on back across the pond overnight". Indeed the Bugle can reveal that SAD haven't left a trace, another local operator said "it's as if they've never been here - SAD who, almost". The Bugle has so far been unable to obtain any comment from representatives at SAD and has also not been able to track down the whereabouts of the SAD CEO's drunken playboy brother. Link to post Share on other sites
PanzerFodder 0 Posted April 8, 2012 Report Share Posted April 8, 2012 "LOL" Looks like his mrs and brother drank all the profits "LOL" . Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted April 9, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 9, 2012 Link to post Share on other sites
PanzerFodder 0 Posted April 9, 2012 Report Share Posted April 9, 2012 Instead of painting the town red, your mrs should put a lick of paint on the "SAD" family mansion . Cheer's...Graham... Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted April 9, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 9, 2012 "SAD Announcements" Now SAD gives you "wings" SAD are pleased to announce that an advertising deal has been agreed with the Red Bull Corporation. As part of the deal Red Bull have agreed to lease SAD their DC-6, in return SAD will maintain the Red Bull advertising livery. The deal also means that SAD have opened a new base at KBVS Skagit Regional (nothing to do with the Orbx sale). The KBVS base will be run by the CEO's daughter who will move the few miles down the road from Darrington. It is understood that Darrington remains part of the SAD restructuring and the CEO insisted he was commited to hauling from the area to help maintain the local economy. To demonstrate his faith SAD have recruited a young pilot - Owen Steele who will operate the Cessna 182RG out of Darrington. The CEO said "Hiring Owen - the first non-family member - showed how committed SAD was to Darrington. In further developments another Cargomaster has been purchased; bringing to four the total number of Cargomasters owned by the SAD company. The latest agquisition will operate from the new KBVS base along with another Cargomaster and the DC-6. In a suprise announcement the SAD CEO contradicted previous press releases suggesting that SAD would not consider operating their hauling business north of the border by declaring that SAD had opened a third base at CYPK Pitt Meadows. He stated that The base at Pitt Meadows will be operated by my son Alex who will have full control over the day to day operations and staffing". It is known that Pitt Meadows will have a fleet of two Cargomasters based at CYPK with the aircraft ideally suited to landing at small strips in the mountainous area. The CEO would not be drawn on who would be assisting his son at CYPK, fuelling rumours that the CEO's scandal ridden Brother may well be in the area and undertaking hauling duties on behalf of SAD. The SAD CEO concluded the press conference with a positive spin by stating "The Sabre Air Deliveries (SAD) company reputation has taken a battering recently with the closure of EGNC Carlisle but all of that is in the past. The deal with Red Bull demonstrates the company committment to hauling and the Pacific North West in general. SAD has three bases, five pilots and six aircraft operational in the area and still maintains over £2.8M cash in the bank. SAD now has wings and we intend to use them, the hauling future is full of promise. Remember - you got junk we'll haul stoned or drunk. The SAD Fleet safely established at Pitt Meadows Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted April 10, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 10, 2012 SAD gets its wings - The Red Bull DC-6 in residence at KBVS Link to post Share on other sites
PanzerFodder 0 Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 Very nice mate . Better not let Mrs. SAD go in it though! coz in that case the only thing it'll be carrying is the herpes. Cheer's...Graham... PS: your new Skadgit looks good, told you so! Link to post Share on other sites
brett 2,316 Posted April 11, 2012 Report Share Posted April 11, 2012 New DC6 looks out that bull don't throw ya Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted April 21, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 21, 2012 "SAD Announcements" SAD promotions SAD are pleased to announce a series of promotions within the company this last week. The SAD CEO has been promoted to Captain in addition all three other family members have been promoted to Test Pilots. The most proud moment though was reserved for young Owen Steele who has been plugging away hour after hour at Darrington. Owen had a good week which started when the CEO asked him to take out one of the Cargomasters on trial for a few days. He successfully manage a number of deliveries which were ultimately rewarded with his promotion to 1st Officer. As a thankyou for all the hard work all the staff were given two days off for some rest and recuperation SAD finances The growing reputation of the quality of SAD services has lead to a serious influx in contracts. The 182 has been off the roster to allow for its annual maintenance but all of the Cargomasters and the DC-6 have seen plenty of action. The DC-6 is currently only flown by the CEO but this may be reviewed over the coming weeks. The end of the week saw SAD push their cash level through the £5.5M mark fuelling speculation of further expansion though in a statement the CEO said "The company would almost certainly be looking for a period of consolidation and would be more likely to look into actually purchasing the DC-6" SAD facilities SAD have now moved their business premises into plush new accomodation at KBVS Skagit Regional where they completed the purchase of the now named SadEx Corporate Air Center at Skagit. The CEO said "The purchase was partly to demonstrate SAD's committment to the region but also as a reward for the backroom staff who make the buiness tick on a daily basis" The SAD support networks were further enhanced with a display of their brand new road delivery service vehicles. The SAD CEO said "The purchase of the vehciles showed customers that SAD was the complete package and no matter where folk wanted their junk haulin' SAD were the people for the job". SadEx Corporate Air Center at Skagit SAD vehicle delivery service fleet at Skagit Link to post Share on other sites
brett 2,316 Posted April 21, 2012 Report Share Posted April 21, 2012 Love the new digs. Your new corporate center is looking real good. I had noticed the construction going on during a recent flyover but did not know it was your new building being built, congrats. It's a great location and close to Interstate 5 which will be a big help. It was nice having you as a close nieghbor and am sorry to see you go. On the flip side, the resturants are better at Skagit and you still owe me a lunch. Your making some big time cash lately, did you get a government contract? Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted April 21, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 21, 2012 Love the new digs. Your new corporate center is looking real good. I had noticed the construction going on during a recent flyover but did not know it was your new building being built, congrats. It's a great location and close to Interstate 5 which will be a big help. It was nice having you as a close nieghbor and am sorry to see you go. On the flip side, the resturants are better at Skagit and you still owe me a lunch. Your making some big time cash lately, did you get a government contract? Don't worry Brett I'm not abandoning Darrington, I'm still running the 182 out of 1S2 so I'll still be all neighbourly and I haven't forgotten the meal I owe you. You'll be welcome at Skagit anytime so feel free to drop in at SAD HQ when you're passing. No government contracts yet but I did manage to complete my first ever three figure contract £102,000 worth of DVD's from over the border in Canada. Link to post Share on other sites
PanzerFodder 0 Posted April 21, 2012 Report Share Posted April 21, 2012 No government contracts yet Heard that you mrs got a new goverment contract, acting as a ground sheet for the US Marines Anyway, nice update m8y, it's nice to see what the hillbillys are up to, and the SAD vans look really good . Cheer's...Graham... Link to post Share on other sites
Sabre 28 Posted May 3, 2012 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2012 "SadEx Corporate Air Center Announcements" SAD promotions SAD are pleased to announce another promotion for young Owen Steele who has been flying one of the Cargomasters on a daily basis. Owen has successfully undertaken a number of deliveries including several fragile loads which have lead to his promotion to Captain. As a thankyou for all his efforts Owen has been given a regular berth in the S4BRE Cargomaster which now carries his name. SAD finances After a couple of hiccups with one or two alcohol induced missed deliveries by an unnamed pilot based at the SAD CYPK Pitt Meadows Hub the CEO took to the skies again to increase the SAD reputation once again. The finances have settled again after an expensive week. Month end meant £60K pay out for Insurance fees and of course the obligatory pay-day for the staff. In addition there were a few fleet changes within the company which had an impact on cashflow. At the mid-week point the SAD cash level had moved back through the £5.5M mark. SAD fleet During the last few weeks the SAD pilots have been running a number of tests on the company fleet. At the monthly staff meeting the Pilot Team were asked to provide feedback on existing aircraft and make suggestions as to future purchases. After the meeting at the SadEx Corporate Air Center at Skagit the CEO said "After significant trials it was with some regret that SAD have found it necessary to terminate the lease arrangements of the DC-6 and hence have ceased the advertising agreement with Red Bull". It is understood that the DC-6 was proving too large for the type of hauling SAD wished to be involved with. The CEO refused to comment on speculation that SAD had been intimidated by the sheer size of JAD's equipment stating "Honestly size isn't everything" SAD have decided to maintain their fleet of four Cargomasters and will still retain the trusty 182 at Darrington. In a rather retro move SAD announced they have purchased an old Buffalo Airways DC-3 which is based at KBVS Skagit Regional. The DC-3 comes with a proven track record for reliability and can certainly take the worst of the weather that the PNW can throw at it. It is also understood that SAD are to give further trials to an old Curtiss C-46 although the initial trials have raised concerns over the size of runway required to take-off and land the old bird. Link to post Share on other sites
brett 2,316 Posted May 3, 2012 Report Share Posted May 3, 2012 Great update(funny too!), everything is looking rosey. Link to post Share on other sites
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