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Hi, I have started to implement topic prefixes, you will see an example of this in the classified forum so the topic can be marked "For sale" / "sold" etc. These are user selectable but are limited to a pre determined list set by me. These can also be limited by forum too to stop misuse.

I don't want to over do it as the forum will end up looking like a sweetie (Candy) shop! I have two global prefixes called "Howto" which puts a purple badge before the topic title (See howto post screenshot post in the MScreenshot forum) and "Solved" which adds a green badge.

If you have any suggestions of prefixes that may be helpful, like "Solved" for example, and whether it should be limited to certain forums then I would be interested to hear from you.



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if you have any suggestions of prefixes that may be helpful, like "Solved" for example, and whether it should be limited to certain forums then I would be interested to hear from you.

how about these Joe...

  • Hints & Tips - used when posting of hints/tips/tweaks (may need permissions to lock the post/thread after posting to stop it turning into a discussion?)
  • Review - used for, uh, Reviews...
  • Poll - used for, well what else, a Poll

that's all for now...unless i think of any more

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Cheers Simi.

Feed back:

For "Hints and tips" use "Howto"

Reviews have their own forum but a prefix could be could be used if someone posts their own review on something but I have rarely seen that!

"Poll" should already have a prefix as that's standard

Keep 'em coming and thanks for your response.

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Unfortunately I cannot choose the text it is always white so the background has to be dark so yellow is a non starter. Deep pink looks ok, it's already been used in the FSX forum.

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