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Don't you just love it when a plan comes together ....................... or not in this case - G-Force eventually managed to synchronise time zones and life to attempt our first multiplayer flight of the year.

So the plan was for us to check out the P-40's and throw in another recent purchase Tongass Fjords for eye candy. The planned flight from PASI Sitka Rocky Gutierrex via Thorne Bay and on down into CYZP Sandspit was around 270 nm.

At this point the plan fell apart when a schoolboy error occured during the flight set-up - a great numpty (that'll be me) forgot to change the time of day and hence the flight loaded at dusk. The second mistake was to spend time warming up aircraft and watching the beautiful views all the while forgetting how quickly the sun goes down at this time of year. Rather than a restart we intrepid adventurers thought what the hell - plus it was already 2:00 am for me :stars:

You really will have to take my word for it that this was a multiplayer flight because after taking off at Sitka we appear to each other only as distant twinkles in the sky. The P-40's are very active birds and you spend lots of time fighting the aircraft never mind trying to keep track of your flying buddy.









Believe it or not Graham's aircraft is the dot of light in the distance under my right wing



They counted them all out but unfortunately didn't count them all back - Graham ditched in the sea just off the coast



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