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Crash with Fatality at Ocala

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Crash with Fatality at Ocala


One fatality, one survivor.


It's a Cessna piston twin. Not sure of the exact model yet. From the description and photos he was quite a long way from the runway threshold - well over a quarter mile, I think. WX should not have been a factor.





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It sounds as if whatever happened, happened in the base to final turn or soon after. The buildings mentioned are along the north edge of 38th St. which runs E/W. The approach is to Runway 36 and he went down in a field on the south edge of 38th street, before reaching the street or the buildings on the north (airport) side of it.. The buildings are all rather small and have low profiles - just small businesses of one sort or another and are still quite a distance from the runway threshold. The approach lights are strung out in the distace between the buildings and the runway over quite a distance, perhaps a quarter mile or so.


There is a tower in operation so they will have some insight into it. There is no radar at the field, so radar tapes will not be available.



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