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I agree with ya John, very addictive. I tried the demo a while back and couldn't stay away from it. Made a killing in the stock market and was hauling cargo in a CRJ700. I was putting in full work days with overtime. Reading the guys latest tales in AH land has me iching to have another go at it. I am almost afraid to start up with it again but maybe the next time it goes on sale it might put me over the ledge and I will take the plunge..... :pilotic:

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Well welcome and as you can probably guess from my posts - I am hooked :) John is right; once you get going it is hard to not go home from work of a night and continue your night 'job' too. So much to my mrs delight ;)

I vote for your 'MAD' name; think it sounds better IMO.

Before setting up a form your going to be serious with have a play with AH first at different locations and settings - just so you know what kind of jobs are going to be generated etc and what suits you more. It took me about a week to decide after changing bases many times. So my advice is to take your time choosing because once you're in and playing you don't want it all to go to waste.

Are you starting in career mode? Thats more realistic and you have to work up from the bottom.

Good luck and have fun


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Darn it! now I'm going to have to issue another press statement, and I was on a skiing vacation as well :( .


PS: Welcome aboard Mike ;) . if you want to set up a seaplane base use the google earth plug-in that comes with the Orbx scenery, as that will make finding a suitable spot easy :)

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Well its downloaded and installed. Fortunately i'm retired but it won't stop the Mrs moaning. I was planning to start from the bottom - and MAD sounds better to me too . . . So should I practice at say medium from a few different places - don't I have to pay a base fee at each place or can I start without a firm? Tell you what, I'll RTFM god forbid!

Ta, Mike

Lol yeah it is advised :) but to answer your question start in career mode as you would, but if you chose wrong base and want to start again simply delete that company and create a new one!

A popular choice of starter plane is the payware Carenado 182RG - sell the starter plane u get given and u can buy this plane! You will be in debt for a bit but its a better plane IMO!

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Good luck Mike - it's MAD for me too mate.

Eveyone over at SAD wishes you all the best with your venture.

Definitely go for career mode. As for base choice just shop around mate the base rental fees vary greatly, I'm at Darrington with only £690 ish per month but other bases are in the thousands.

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I always fly career mode, but there's very little difference between that and the Hard mode. The only change is that you begin with a 10,000 lb MTOW limit and must earn your way up to being able to fly heavier AC. In reality, the ratings come faster than the money and you never have any problem with being qualified for your next AC.



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Slow down Mike your trying to go to fast! :( .

Few things listed below may help to get you going.

1) Have you uploaded your scenery to Plan-G ? if not it won't be able to find the grass strip. (there's also an import scenery in the AH options you should do as well)

2) you have more than likely got your setting in the airhauler options set too "Aircraft starts from where you parked it last" thats why you ended up in the drink when the flight loaded ! .

3) I used to get a few CTD and lockups when I was trying to use AH with FSX set to full screen mode, I have now started to use FSX in windowed mode and find that AH and FSX seem to link together much better this way, with hardly any crashes at all now :) .

4) I would start your company again in the morning if I was you, and your base fees look to be "HUGE" might be a good idea to look for another one ;)


PS: I have no idea what the RCMP did to your plane while it was parked at my place :P

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Also what OS are you running on? I used to get loads of crashes in XP 32bit so I changed to win 7 64bit and it has never crashed :) Hope you sort it mate because it looks like it is putting a shadow on your AH experience :(

Graham you should get AH its gives purpose to your flying amongst other things too like taking risks on the stock market and having AI pilots smash your new AC hehe.

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Seems really strange that your having these problems Mike. I assume you don't have the same issues just flying in FSX? Are you running Air Hauler as administrator?

Looking at your machine spec compared to mine it's more than capable of coping.

I run two monitors, AH, REX, TrackIR, TrafficX, Orbx scenery only difference is I run Plan G on a networked PC.

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@ BMM -> If you sell the C-172 you'll net about $100K. The bank will cover up to a $100K overdraft too. That should give you a little room to move up. You can import add-on AC into AH without buying them, just to get an idea what they cost, or for many AC, just look them up on the AH Forum at Just Flight.


Several of us favor the Carenado C-182 RG as a starter AC for Career Mode or Difficult Mode starts - much better than the Skyhawk. I reduce the empty weight of it in the aircraft cfg file by 57 lbs. to simulate removing three seats and that further improves the cargo capacity. Changes like that need to be done before importing to AH, however.



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Anyway the problems - on those settings my CPU was running average about 50-60%. When all graphics maxed with everything running it was hitting 100 - presumably for too long hence the crashes. I'm monitoring with RealTemp and task manager now with various settings.

LOL I think my CPU runs at 98% all the time with FSX.

Re: Air Hauler - sound advice from John - I couldn't be bothered to fly default aircraft either so took the plunge with the 182 from the off in career mode. It's amazing how quickly you can generate a bit of cash just make sure the AH options are set for shorter trips at first so you can make money a little quicker.

You can also tweek the aircraft range to a lower value in the "aircraft details" tab so AH generates more local jobs to help get you started.

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Good news all round then Mike :clapping: .

Must say, I fancy a 560Ti myself and have been reading up on them for a couple of weeks now, only downside with them is that they can get a bit on the hot side if you don't have a well ventilated case :yikes: sadly my mrs tells me that there is no way I'm having a new card untill the 260 blows up :( .

The Carenado Cessna 182 RG costs 233,336.00 to buy outright, The lease deposit is 29,167.00 followed by monthly payments of 12,963.11 :)

I would say stick with your T182T and put your RL cash towards your vid card ;) . ( is that the Flight1 version that you have ? )

BTW: I don't mind Brits muscling in up here at all, as I have been one myself since I was born, Aye! :P


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Double aaargh!! Survived i think it was Thunder Lake where Orbx or FSX have stuck a damn great building in the runway, and also Quesnel Lake which is sloping grass , undulation and has a terrible uneven camber. 10K or 12K in credit then taking off down a valley controls stopped responding and stalled in - a catastrophic, 35K to repair. I feel a new startup coming on - I'm delivering the flowers first then I'll see . .

The new card is ace though, running cool no CTD or BSOD so far and lots of windows open!

That does it - 3 hours delivering the flowers, landing a greaser, parked up, engine off, Unload - and what happens - "unhandled exception error/continue/ big boos/ log says OK but checking flights completed says it was a failure, no money. Is it just me?

Blimey Mike you aren't having much luck are you :stars:

Have you got the updated version of FSUIPC?

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Coming back after the crash, were you at the correct airport? Sometimes after crash recovery you don't end up where you think you ought to be. That would amount to a delivery to the wrong location.



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There are only a few things that will do that. You're saying Cargo Condition was 20% but landing was a greaser with no AC damage? If so it pretty much comes down to wrong airport or exceeding bank angle or pitch angle limits. Those limits are halved for Fragile cargoes. Was this a fragile cargo? If that's not it it's got to be from exceeding bank angle or pitch angle limits.



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