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As a final point, Mr B did offer a word of caution to your editor - and any other nosey parkers as he put it. His private life is his private life. MAD is one big happy family, everybody knows about everybody and all is happy. Mr B will not countenance unsubstantiated rumours and scurrilous innuendo from - in this case - jealous competitors and will take swift action if anyone questions the honour and virtue of his ladies friends. He also said that if any of the media question this or are found poking around in his business he will ensure they spend spend the rest of their day looking for their teeth round the back of the hangar.

I heard that Emily is the one who takes the teeth out, when she takes clients around the back of the hanger m8y? :whis:

( just saying!, Aye :P ).

Nice update again, Mike :thum: .


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Let's see, Mrs.B wants to fly again and maybe even open a new base, far from where you are, leaving you on your own and you already have an aircraft sitting around not making money that she can use.

:huh: What was the problem again?

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:huh: I'm not hiring right now thank you. I'm not sure I could handle her from what I've heard.

I should add this to my sig:

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance limit's. ;)

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If Mrs B's really that unhappy maybe it's time to let her go - there's a new Air Cargo company just opened down in Hawaii maybe the unsuspecting CEO of ACH would be willing to take on an "Old Bird"

Obviously the clean living, family run Air Deliveries company based in Darrington wouldn't be able to fit the bill as it would still be way too cold plus SAD are undergoing a period of consolidation.

The Clown over at PFC would seem to be your best bet if you want to keep her local although you never know she may just inadvertently interrupt one of your philandering cargo transport trips to the backwaters!!

How is David BTW :whis:

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Nothing more for the moment, can't even be rude about the Circus - it (the Circus) has gone strangely quiet over here - personally I think they're going broke, whereas MAD is well into its third milliom and Mr B has 80% rep. And Senior Cap. Might not sound much - but no debts whatever -

Good update Mike, PFC will be issuing a suitable response to this in a couple off days ;) .


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Really good update B :thum:

Hope it is not the calm before the storm that your smimming in right now. :P

Too cold up north for this pilot that prefers the warmer currents down south of Concrete. The jobs seem to pay more and no one syphons the fuel out of my aircraft while I'm inside filing my flight plans. Plus getting those dang cavity searches from the custom agents when I fly up north, whats with those guys 'aye? :(

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Nice update Mike. :thum:

Happy that you have moved to a base where we can still keep an eye on you, ;)

I just got Amy to fly a shipment of baby toys up to Whitehorse for you, just incase you have another little outburst and chuck all your toys out of the pram again :P


PS: You do know what they say about Whitehorse don't you??? Ye-ha, ride "HIM" cowboy :P

Now I'm begining too wonder if it was "Big Jon" Wayne round the back of the Hangar making beaver noises the other day :whis:


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- PCC for UD Chief Medic buys luxury Hawaii condo

Nice! Ask him to give me a call if he needs a pilot anytime! :)

Or if you want me to buzz his house with my 206 a couple of times a days, that can be arranged too :cool:

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Bummer, bummer and triple bummer. :( or is it :D

Can't trust the ladies once the :wub:machine bug hits 'em.


Things not looking so rosy, or won't when he's sobered up!

What makes you think I even want to sober up :whis:

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Ma gawd, and ya believed 'em :rolleyes:


Good story :thum:

New Logo for you:

Mike’sAd-libedDiatribes :P:D

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You guys make my day. I read your stories every morning and it's a very nice way to start!

I'll fourth it :D

Now I'm trying to explain to the rest of the office what I'm laughing at :D

Super story Mike an absolutely hilarious read - cheered me up no end :hat: :hat:

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That's all folks! Mr B. as said does not wish to crow- or sqwawk for that matter, but did ask us to point out how the gods punish the unworthy - "Let us not fall about laughing be sorry for those in trouble - hah! Two competitors and butch female hospitalised, Competitor computer room burnt out (Nobby found with gas cans) Y'all don't mess with the Big B!

Oh! it looks like Nobby must have been doing a spot of body building :P ( and whats that on his head? :whis: )


Nice update Mike, keep digging ;) .


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Superb update as always Mike. :thum:

Just remember that the Police investigation into the shenanigans at SAD are still ongoing ;) There's also now an Internal Financial Audit being undertaken by Mrs SAD given it seems that the company insurance doesn't cover replacement PC parts :cool:

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Mr B would like to add that he is very grateful for decals and transfers submitted by admirers for his models (modesty becomes him, does it not) and will use on his aircraft when he learns how to stick them on..

Easy, just print them, cut out with sckizzorrs or KKKnife, wait for Big J to shpit out hiz chewing gum, then place gum on back and shtick to side of fushlarge.. see easy..

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