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Version 1.3 is out with "academic" version

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Morning guys,

That's an interesting development. Now I've had a good look at the purchase details and I think its interesting what's missing. Most academic licences ask for proof, usually something like an academic email address. I read the eula and went through to purchase without any proof required. I also note on the linked page that is say 'At or below the undergraduate level' meaning perhaps high school level or lower.

I Also notice that the current retail version has a $199 price down down from the $499. Hmmmm

Personally, and in the event of getting my ass sued, this is just my opinion, the academic licence is just LM working its way around the conditions that Microsoft placed on the sale of ESP. Just like the $10 developers licence.

Either way, interesting times ahead.

Best wishes,

Jess B

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Sometimes the educational version of high-end software is incomplete or limited in some way. Is that the case with P3D, or is the educational one the real-deal?


With a newly ordered 3.4 GHz i7-2600 on the way, this is sounding like a pretty good idea.



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I have not come across any limitations so far, my favourite Carenado aircraft all work, the new REX Essentials will work.

Here are some shots unedited except resize, the only difference is top right hand corner, it says Academic License.

This is definitely the way forward for me, it is so much smoother than FSX, it's just the porting over of the aircraft that can be a pain as some of them don't offer an installation path change so you have to install them into FSX first. Having said that, Aerosoft are offering FSX/Prepar3D aircraft already.







EDIT: Also seen here is FTX NZSI, Carenado T210 and the Warbirdsim P51D

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The reason LM are looking at so many ways to sell to john doe is because their agreement with M.S. only allows professional clients, they cannot sell a retail copy because M.S. retained this eventuality for if and when it produces another sim.

Having said that i have to agree this new 50 dollar for "students" offer will glean them a whole load of new blood.

However I must be missing something as so many seem to be falling over themselves to get this new version, to my eyes prepar3d or however you spell it looks like fsx or worse without any add ons will someone please explain to me what i am clearly missing as you cannot use legally any pmdg, carenado, captain sim, product in fact and i can be easily corrected here the only people selling a eula for prep whatever you call it are ftx and aerosoft which severly limits what you can do with preparation H or whatever it is.

I am more interested in the news today of the gnu flight sim being made in austria as they have taken on publicly some of the old aces staff to create a new open source sim.

but please tell me i am missing the point with prempads as i love simming and would hate to miss out.

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John, Radar Contact is working fine..


I'm giving this some serious consideration. It sounds as if most of what works in FSX works in P3D and P3D uses the machine resources better than FSX. I'm having a hard time seeing the downside, except price.


FSX has some problems but nothing esle is close to it terms of serious flight simming except P3D, which began with FSX and improved it.


I think FSX and/or P3D are the near-term future for serious flight simmers.



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The reason LM are looking at so many ways to sell to john doe is because their agreement with M.S. only allows professional clients, they cannot sell a retail copy because M.S. retained this eventuality for if and when it produces another sim.

Having said that i have to agree this new 50 dollar for "students" offer will glean them a whole load of new blood.

However I must be missing something as so many seem to be falling over themselves to get this new version, to my eyes prepar3d or however you spell it looks like fsx or worse without any add ons will someone please explain to me what i am clearly missing as you cannot use legally any pmdg, carenado, captain sim, product in fact and i can be easily corrected here the only people selling a eula for prep whatever you call it are ftx and aerosoft which severly limits what you can do with preparation H or whatever it is.

I am more interested in the news today of the gnu flight sim being made in austria as they have taken on publicly some of the old aces staff to create a new open source sim.

but please tell me i am missing the point with prempads as i love simming and would hate to miss out.

To me it's just great to have two versions of FSX installed on one computer. I always missed that before. Now I use P3D for freeware aircraft and sceneries to make sure I don't mess up my FSX install, or I can set up FSX for Airliner flying and P3D for GA flying for which I use slightly different addons.

P3D is no revolution, but a nice addition. Also kudos to LM for making what is essentially FSX SP3.

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See below regarding limitations with P3D, I just asked on their forums and they confirmed no functionality difference, just a watermark top right in the screen.

Adam Breed

Lockheed Martin

Posts: 86

adam-breed.thumbnail.jpgxx.gifRe: Prepar3D 1.3 Licensing and Pricing Update on: March 24, 2012, 17:14

Quote from mutley on March 24, 2012, 16:17


If I buy the Professional edition over the student edition, will I get extra features? In previous versions of MSFS there was a difference in versions, is that the same here?


Currently there is absolutely no difference between the professional, developer, and academic editions. The only difference you will see with the academic version is an 'Academic Version' watermark in the top right corner.

Prepar3D® Software Engineer

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Hey Mike,

That's good news about getting the download finished, I have spent a lot of time today porting stuff across as you can see in the things that work in P3D post. :D

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This is great news, will be buying this at the weekend.

Some questions,

1: Is that fee for v 1.3 a yearly fee or for how long this version lasts?, also I guess we will need to pay a bit more for v 2.0 that wont be out for a long time and will apparently include DX 11 support?

2: That shot that looks like the original FSX promo magic screenie shot looks great Joe, is that DX10? I assume LM have fixed the DX10 preview of FSX if it is? If it is DX10 how does performance compare to using std DX9 mode?

3: What sort of download size are we looking at here for 1.3? My ADSL speed is not great, about 3.5 MB download here, but as mentioned I could use a download manager.

I think its good we have sticky posts here showing what does and does not work with Prepar 3D v 1.3 and I'm going to study that just now, hopefully once I have this sim I'll be able to contribute with my findings too, both software and hardware, VR Insight, Saitek Thrustmaster ETC.

This is really great news :thum:

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Hi Colin,

1. The Academic v1.3 fee is a one off payment, like you would have paid for FSX. I am under the firm impression that the V2 will just be another service pack in the evolution of the product. However, that is supposition on my part and a direct question on their forums will provide the answer, it may have been asked already, I keep meaning to read through their forums but keep getting distracted!

2. I am sure that P3D is still dx9, there is no DX10 preview mode, that has been excluded from the options but performance has been optimised to an extent that you will notice it right away, my card, like yours is DX11 so who knows!?

3. The download is 10Gb, I know birdmanmike had a 10 hour download horror. I would be more than happy to mail you 3 DVD's with the downloaded files, you would just have to buy the licence, PM me your name & address and I'll pop it in the post tomorrow ;)



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