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The Lun atics are in the air !.......Just!

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With a maximum T/O weight of 380,000kg and a length of 242 ft, the Lun class Ekranoplan was the largest seaplane ever to have entered operational service. It was powered by 8 Kuznetzov turbojets giving a top speed of almost 600 knots and a service ceiling of 16 ft ! An Ekranoplan works by using the ground effect of the air pressure under the wing to create lift but it has to sit on this air cushion to work effectively, some types get up to around 40 ft but they are not easy to control at that height due to their stubby wings. The heavily armed Lun class craft was supposed to become a whole fleet but in the event the money dried up and only one was built, It entered service in 1987 from a base on the Caspian Sea and was retired around 1999...officially!

It is a huge aircraft to fly and is very sensitive around the fore and aft axis due to its length. I found the best way to operate is to pre set the autopilot to its cruise height before take off then once airborne engage the AP and let it do the hard work ! It is not a ship for the faint hearted.








Although the Lun never visited the UK I've put her alongside HMS Ark Royal to show some idea of the size.


thanks for viewing.

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"... the wing in ground effect assistance - at the edge of two environments..."

So, almost flying! And a big target, too... :whis:

By the way, did you know that Microsoft includes this "aircraft" in the FSX 'Tokyo Executive Mission'? I'll buy you a pint if you can post a screenshot!! :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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