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Orbx announce FTX England on short final!

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Like, this weekend!!

From post by John Venema on OrBX Forums.

Hello everyone.

I guess this is the news perhaps a few people have been waiting for wink.png

Yesterday we achieved a major milestone in that our Hampshire UK studio (SIM720) handed off the final code to Orbx to prepare the first master installer for final testing. I had the pleasure of looking over a developer's shoulder for a while yesterday while he was flying in a Spitfire and I have to say this region is a jaw-dropper and it really does feel exactly like England, especially since I've flown it many times in both light aircraft and commercial airliners. I think the new dev team have NAILED IT.

Generally the process of security, uploading and final acceptance testing takes about 24-48 hours. During this period we try to find what we call "showstoppers", that is - anything that would prevent a customer from installing and enjoying the product out of the box.

One possible showstopper we have concerns the Earth Simulations series of Channel Islands sceneries so we're working hard to find a solution for that and will post work-arounds if we cannot fix it in the interim.

However the plan is to have FTX England on sale by this weekend and the DVD Edition in reseller's stores before the end of this month.

Wish us luck during this crunch time...

P.S. Here's a screenshot directly from one of Wolter's testing flights... enjoy!


FTX England home page http://fullterrain.c...uct_eueng.html

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I think it is inevitable I will get it, I like photo scenery and it is nice to see accurate towns but the imagery was taken before the millennium and is getting pretty out of date in my area.

I like to have the choice and I like what ORBX do with their airfield releases, definitely interesting times for UK simmers and may be my reason for fully implementing my P3D installation.


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