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Upgrading software

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Hello all, I had been planning a complete system upgrade in January but having a lady in your life tends not to permit it sometimes, I have however though that since I am on XP and have tried running FSX and it didn't do so well, Would upgrading to Windows 7 help it run smoother? I believe that my spec is pretty decent and just doing the OS won't cost much. Just thought I'd run the idea by the smart chaps.

Here is the main Spec:

Processor: AMD Phenomn II x4 955 3.21GHz


Video Card: Nvidia GTX260

Hope to hear your opinions. Thanks!

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Be positive Dan, show your Lady the door and get a new system :yikes: Now on a more serious note I think it would be wasted money just to upgrade the OS. W7 requires 4GB of ram alone just to run smoothly. Graphics card is a bit long in the tooth...good in its day. Not sure about your processor, never used AMD. If it is Overclockable you could try to take it up to near 4GHz, perhaps 3.8.

Bottom line, if it were me, I would be inclined to leave it for a few months and save up. Perhaps look to a new rig by Summer. Also if you can find one get yourself a retail copy of W7 before they disapear from the shelves. W8 does not look good at this moment in time for FSX.

And with a closing apology to your good lady I shall bid you farewell.

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I agree - system is marginal for FSX on Win7. A big memory upgrade might help a lot but probably not a silver bullet. I stuck with FS9 until I was able to move up to a 3.4 GHz i7 machine with 8 GB. I think you'll like Win7 when you get it but maybe not so much if hardware-bound.


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win 7 certainly runs better than XP graphically so that is certainly a step in the right direction and besides if you update the hardware later you probably wont need to reinstall the whole OS as you would with xp as long as you retain the hd

with the price of memory I would try to push the boat out and get 8gb though

However the GTX 260 was a reasonable card that goes along with the cpu ok

I used a 260 with fsx and to be honest it wasnt a million miles away from the 460 in performance and i didnt have to really cut the sliders back just the autogen and shadows

If your budget will only stretch to win 7 and fsx i would say go for it FSX is much better once you download the 2 free sp's however if you can get another 4gb of memory so much the better you will be happy

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