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About icudan

  • Rank
    Commercial Pilot
  • Birthday 25/08/1991

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  1. Hi all! After so so long out of the world of flight simulation I have finally cleaned my system up, Deleted a load of rubbish and done some tweaking! I have a new GPU coming and have purchased P3D! I'm looking at PMDG series to purchase and have already started buying scenery I'm not sure about which traffic and weather addons to get though! I'm considering ORBx Global too! Hope everyone is well? Thanks
  2. Haha! This is why I shouldn't type messages out when I am tired, I could imagine it would be sore but he left it to his wife aswell JG.
  3. Lets hope he has a quiet 7 years then as it was a right slog out there very unpleasant. My cousin is based in Lincolnshire with the RAF he loves it but is coming out this year as he has recently had a baby.
  4. Thanks all! Slowly settling back into normality and enjoying myself! Needles, Hope your lad got back safely also! I believe the 4 Scots and the DG were there at the same time on 14. Is he still in your son?
  5. Well that didnt go to plan at all, I am now back at my mother and fathers house haha.
  6. So sorry to hear the news of your fathers passing Alan. Hope you and your family are okay.
  7. Oh I enjoy a bit of ETS2, Been thinking of getting a wheel for that. What did you go for?
  8. I haven't been using FSX for too long, Used FS9 for years and now I have boxed up all of my Aircraft for that except the 737PIC. I have the PMDG 737NG and PMDG 747 payware but thats it for FSX. Flying for FlyUK I use a lot of their freeware aircraft but I am seriously considering getting Aerosoft Airbus and am saving for the PMDG 777. So much to save for.
  9. Beautifully crisp pictures Dolph! Love them.
  10. Hope you had a wonderful birthday Steph! Apologies for the late wishes as I had the inlaws visiting for the weekend!
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