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Aviolinee Manzo - The Italian Job

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  • 6 months later...

We are still alive and kickin'!

New fleet: the presidential jet is a 767-300ER, while Gabriel (now training pilot) flies a brand new A320.

New bases: Rome, Wien and Dubai. And naples, of course.

Rep has been lowered by a new pilot who failed three jobs. Gabriel never failed one! The new pilot is now on forced holydays, i have an idea on what to do with him.

Happy hauling all!

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Ah, Rosario,


The pilots may bend the tin but the fickle finger on the "jobs" board dictates when they complete the jobs.


Lauren (Crash) Pethard, my top pilot, has hauled 250,000 lbs of cargo, earning $17M for QuikAire. She came by her nickname the same way your new pilot is earning his. Lauren now flies the pride of my fleet - a C-130. She's only damaged it once, to the tune of 4% ($25K). Peanuts when compared to her earning. 


I found that if I restrict their first few months of flying to inexpensive airplanes, that restricts the amount of damage they do. It never goes away completely, but it does get less and less as time goes by. 


Repairs on my fleet run approximately 7-1/2% of expenditures. This is way down from a few months ago. I am keeping the same pilots flying the same aircraft. I've no idea if this helps but I'm hoping it can't hurt.


I've only fired one. He came well recommended, but he kept coming home with bent airplanes. He couldn't seem to break the habit. After he'd pretty much gone through the replacement cost of the RG that he was assigned to I just couldn't afford to keep him around.



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A 767!


I was thinking more along the lines of a C172 or maybe an RG. A 767 - that's big repair bills - trust me he's going to bend another one. I only let them fly the big iron when they've put 20 or 30 hours in at 100% and no damage.

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Yep, a 767.

And I've found it without a scratch. Perfect from the nose to the tail fin.


Ms. Lexie Hamilton, Senior Captain, maybe I have to think again about her.


First, back to work for a nice round trip: Rome - Wien - Naples - Rome. A nice boost to company reputation.


While flying the '67, I have been thinking about adding winglets, 4% fuel savings. Maybe I'll rent one and give it to Gabriel. Or to Ms. Lexie?


More to come!

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