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Post your flight details here

We encourage you to make your flight as soon as you can, at a time when it's convenient to you, but we do insist it is posted in accordance with the following-

No sooner than 36 hours after the previous leg was posted and no later than 4 days after the previous leg was posted. This is very important as it will hopefully keep the challenge flowing nicely and give the previous pilot's post enough time to receive feedback.

We prefer as much commentary as possible, include flight plans or other relevant info to make it more enjoyable to other members, you can never post too much detail! As with the previous challenges, we encourage full use of your imagination and editing skills however you wish to use them.

Please use the following format for post titles: "Leg {No} ICAO {Location} - ICAO" {Location} eg Leg 12 EGHI Southampton - EGHH Bournemouth Also use the green post tag "PIREP"

Also, please leave feedback for other pilots posts! :thanks: ]

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