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Leg 24 - Abakan (UNAA) to Khabarovsk (UHHH)

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8 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your preferred Second Part.......

    • 1. Fly direct to Khabarovsk - or -
    • 2. Join Baikal Express's Dimitri Khazamarovsk - or -
    • 3. Suspend belief for a hectic scramble across Siberia........

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And now for something unusual. With your co-operation, I'd like to try something a little different for this Leg of the ATWC. You will see there's a vote associated with this post - I'd like you to vote on which alternative ending you'd like for the final part of this Leg. The first part is fairly straightforward - the Baton has been picked up at Abakan (Thanks Eric!) and will initially be taken to Irkutsk - see the following screen shots and narrative. When you've reached the end of the post I'd really like you to consider how you'd like to see it finished. There are 3 options - and it's your choice........

Welcome aboard our Aeroflot Flight number 713 to Khabarovsk. Because of the poor weather, we will be stopping at

Irkutsk for a short while.....


I'm sure the other passengers will be grateful to stretch their legs when we get to Irkutsk. This old Tu-114 is designed like a cattle truck - 200 plus crammed into a fusilage no bigger than a B707 - we're not talking JAL comfort zone here. What's that? What do you expect in Kruschev's Russia? Yeah - guess you're right - you won't get international luxury on an internal flight - especially to Siberia...... Maybe I should've taken the train? Huh, the Trans Siberian all the way to Khabarovsk?

Yes, you are joking. Ah, the engines are starting up - that's a good sign.


?????????????? ? ??????? ?????????....The attendants are all taking their seats - the one by the emergency exit opposite me looks particularly green, this morning. Must have been the oysters last night.. Always amazes me that these 114's get off the ground at all. HQ files say they were designed as half freighter and half bomber - I guess the passenger version must have been an after-thought.... Anyway, we're rolling.


Eric had some interesting news when I met him at the hotel last night. Turns out that our Moscow friends are further down the neutrino telescope road than we thought. Something about a doppler array focussing transmitter - I'm a bit out of my depth in this sub-atomic particle stuff, but they're using their labotatories on the shore of Lake Baikal to test the thing. Now, I do know something about the Lake - yes, the usual stuff: largest volume of fresh water, deepest, oldest - they say 30 million years - and the purest water you can find outside a distillery..... Aah - that's the clunk of the under-carriage being stowed.


Maybe they'll be interested in the package Eric has given me - feels damn heavy, probably the lead casing, good thing the geiger counters weren't on at the Abakan departure gate. Give me straightforward surveillance, anytime - this scientific stuff is a mine-field. Well, we'll see what happens at Irkutsk - hopefully our contact there will have some idea how to get access to the Lake labs. Now, there's a pretty sight - the sun peeping in through the starboard windows.....

Must be below minus 25 degrees out there.....???????? ???? ?????!


????????? ???? ???? What's this - I recognise the plastic cutlery, but check out the food! If it was any bigger, the roll could be a house-brick, and, I guess this must be fish - marinated in potato vinegar and served with what looks like mashed turnip - obviously a local delicacy from Abakan. And the sweet - mmmmm, well, the other passengers are digging into theirs, so, here goes.......


Talking of other passengers, the guy next to me hasn't eaten a thing - he's not enjoying the flight one bit - keeps looking out the window muttering about the cold. His hands say he's an office man - he's missing the central heating, and he doesn't smoke, which is unusual for a russian. I'd speak to him, but we're starting to hit turbulence as we begin the descent....


Something's caught his interest - he's looking closely at the Lake below. ??? ??? ??? I venture, and he turns and shakes his head. Most lakes in Siberia are frozen over by mid December, but not Baikal. Something to do with its depth. He's still looking anxious, but then, even the most experienced air traveller gets nervous.....


??????????? ???? The pilot will have a better view of the scenery than me - and a lot more going on too, I bet. Never could get used to the speed and altitude instruments in the simulator at Woodley Park. Why they couldn't give us mach number and atmospheres I'll never know. What was they say - divide by two and you're almost there? Seat of the pants stuff most of the time.....


Judging by the height, we must be lining up for a straight in landing on runway 30.


My russian friend is clinging to his seat like there's no tomorrow. Hang on, maybe he knows something I don't - he's probably flown this service before.

?????????????? ? ??????? ?????????.... Yep, here come the attendants - I must say, green looks quite flattering on Olga.....


Down - and still in one piece, so far.


????????? ??????? ????????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ????????? Well, let's see if the locals stay in their seats - no chance, they're all standing up dragging their hand luggage from the racks..... I think I'll rest a while and see if my new russian friend would like a medicinal wodka.


O.K. This is where you come in - please choose from the following alternatives:

1. Fly direct to Khabarovsk - enjoy the comfort of a coach seat in one of Aeroflot's latest aircraft.....

2. Join Baikal Express's Dimitri Khazamarovsk - our russian Air Hauler representative - as he carries various interesting bits of cargo, across Siberia and northern Mongolia and delivers the ATWC Baton to start of the next Leg.

3. Suspend belief for a hectic scramble through, and over, the tundra as our agent connives to extract the latest information on sub-atomic particle research from behind the Iron Curtain. What does the doppler array focussing transmitter do and how will it affect the balance of the Cold War? Will he manage to reach his safe house in Khabarovsk? All will be revealed.....

Here's a graphic to help you decide:


Whatever - enjoy! Na zdorovia!

Cheers - Dai. :great:

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Seemed like quite a smooth flight Dai, love that old TU-144 a classic aircraft.

Enjoyed the shots, I was a bit worried that the passenger next to you had his eyes on stealing the baton :thum: the journey isn't complete yet, I have faith in you 006 :great:

Thank heavens for Babelfish, my Russian isn't as good as it was!

As much as I would like to see Dimitri Khazamarovsk in is Air Hauler #3 has me intrigued :bowdown:


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