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Everything posted by mark.hudson6

  1. Have a great day Sam. Happy Birthday. Regards, Mark
  2. Hope you had a great day. All the best Mark
  3. It is indeed :clap: Over to you Hurricane :yes:
  4. Cheers Axel. I reckon this one is pretty straightforward. Good Luck. Cheers, Mark :clap:
  5. Is it the Shorts Belfast? Cheers Mark :shock:
  6. Well deserved Rosario, a great shot. Enjoy the Concorde :clap: Cheers Mark
  7. Sorry 1mag1n3 for the late reply. It's the EOS 400D. Wisemanp the Little Owl was very cute and could not wait to get inside her little 'cave'. Cheers Mark :roll:
  8. Cheers Mut, I suppose it's sort of aviation :mrhappy: The eagle ones where a total fluke, just pointed, clicked and hoped for the best. The critter was going so fast. Thanks for your kind comment. Cheers Mark :-)
  9. Hi, Popped along to the County Show today to buy some farmhouse goodies, jam, honey, pate and some smoked garlic (yummy). We were lucky enough to be entertained by a falconer display and thought I would share some pics with you all. I'm not much of a twitcher but I'll do my best :mrhappy: The guy showing off his Turkey Vulture African White Backed Vulture A Fish Eagle (I think) Bald Eagle in flight. It swooped right over our heads, amazing. The Falconer with his White Backed Vulture Falcon Some more White Backed Vulture's The Obligatory horses The Bald E
  10. Missed it :poster_oops: Hope you had a good one :clap: Cheers Mark
  11. Happy Birthday :roll: :yes: Have a good'n :clap: Cheers, Mark.
  12. A Great shot Phil and a worthy winner :clap: Congratulations. Cheers Mark :yes:
  13. Vive la France. Good luck everyone. Cheers, Mark.
  14. Great shots Mutley, really enjoyed them. Your very lucky, I would love to fly on a T7 but never had the chance :sadblinky: Perhaps one day. Cheers Mark
  15. Congratulations Simi, the sky's the limit. Cheers Mark
  16. Cheers Dave for the heads up. I'm downloading them and will put them on my ipod. Cheers Mark
  17. Cheers Basil, Any advise on an affordable, suitable lens would be much appreciated. Cheers Mark :-)
  18. Hi Martyn, Still getting to grips with it myself. I just got the camera body and the lens is the Canon EF50mm f/1.8II. Some of the shots are with the auto mode, but some had raw images on the flash card so must have been in some other mode but I can't remember which. All the pics have been processed with Windows Photo Gallery (don't tell anyone), I have CS3 but that's a whole other story A lot of the shots seemed under exposed and washed out but it was a very misty grey afternoon. Lots of practice needed I think :???: Thanks for helping me pic the camera (over at Just Flight) I'm very
  19. Hi Martin, These shots where taken with my old Nikon Coolpix 5600. Cheers Mark :-)
  20. Thanks for the kind comments. The camera is a Canon 400D. Still getting to grips with it. Cheers Mark :-)
  21. Simi, I never realised you lived so close. I never went down today though, It was a few weeks ago. Went down with a mate and his son and daughter. The guy who was there tried out his photo quiz on the kids and they really enjoyed it. He also said they will be painting the Vulcan in the original scheme (white I think he said) soon. We went down there originally to photograph the planes at East Mids but with it being misty we ended up here and I'm really glad we did. Were going again when the weather improves and will let you know. Cheers Mark :-)
  22. These are pics from me trying out my new camera for the first time at East Midlands Airport. I reckon I need a lens with a wider field of view. Kept having to stand well back from the planes. Anyway, hope you enjoy them. Cheers Mark :yes: Thanks for looking. :-)
  23. Will do, give me an hour to sort them out. Cheers Mark :yes:
  24. Derby mate, so not all that far. I was out practicing with my new camera and had never seen the little museum they have there. Got some shots of the Vulcan and the Lightning. Not bad for a couple of quid. If anybody is interested I could upload them. Cheers Mark. :yes:
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