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Everything posted by SlimNasty

  1. Hi Guys, I have done a few trips in my little C172 out from Southampton, mainly to France, however I just delivered some goods up to Norfolk and found this little airport which is a beauty... EGSA Shipdham And this lovely lady needed a ride Hope you like these, worth a trip, don't think I installed this, although may have been a demo airport as looks too good
  2. Hi M8, Don't panic about it too much, don't spend loads of time on it as I can make do without, or try and work out how to do what you have done in FSX... I am working on trying to visit the TOP TEN busiest airports at some point and this is one of them which is a massive airport, already been there a few times. I will probably buy the Mega Airport version at somepoint in the future. Anyway as I said, don't panic too much...
  3. The first shot is my favorite, I guess I need some more add-ons to make mine look that nice, I am guessing I need to replace my default scenery and are you running REX? I'll need to get that too if you are at some point when I have some cash. Probably end up having it's own PC at this rate, the shopping list gets longer...
  4. Hi Again, Couldn't see this one on the list, any chance as this is quite a large airport I frequent sometimes: LFPG - Paris - Charles de Gaulle Many Thanks in advance
  5. Wow these are great, I have grabbed a few myself, will get more later... By my reckoning you have added over 300, only another 23,700 to go, you might need a separate website though for all of these... Good luck...
  6. That depends on how good your flying is! Hopefully John will see this post and drop a few hints Cheers I'll insure it then just in case, still learning everything, seem to be okay so far in the C172, haven't flown it much.
  7. Hi Mutley, Thanks I enjoy the real world business, missed it this last six months. I am sort of overdrawn with the game at the moment, but shouldnt take me long to get in credit, need to get rep upto 55 before it will let me have pilots... Question: is it worth insuring planes at the start?
  8. Hi Mutley, Yes it was the default white 737-800, not too bothered will paint the engines a different colour instead which will resolve the problem. I tried some of the Project Kits and it threw up errors saying Sim 98 guages or something, so will have to have another look at these. Anyway my copy of Air Hauler has arrived so I installed that, added my scenery and my customer C172 and done my first flight in career mode, quite fitting as I had my first day back to work in the real world today :-) Career mode looks challenging, started with 100k, spent 115k on airport (Southampton) and earne
  9. Hi Kieran :great: You have got some rare ones for Heathrow too. I have managed to win Heathrow Mega Airport off Ebay tonight, so will install it soon and see if I can spot a SlimAir Logistics craft there :smile: Speak Soon SlimNasty
  10. Hi Guys, Thanks for your encouragment guys, been working on the concept that I will start with SlimAir Logistics, then expand into Europe with SlimAir European Logistics and then eventually SlimAir Global Logisitcs, now the first will encompass Helicopters and prop aircraft for local UK flights, then the second will add small jets like the Learjet & BAE 146 and the the Global part will add the 737 & 747's to the mix. Hope like like my ideal, perhaps this could be passed on to the developers as part of an addon in the future, would make having additional goals within Air Hauler, I do
  11. Hi Guys, I must have the bug now, here's my second livery, this time a Bell 206B Hope you all like it, been making a list of planes to do ready for Air Haulage... Speak Soon Phil
  12. Hi Mutley, Yeah took a few go's to get the writing the right way and size, but doesn't look to bad for first go. I'll post my Learjet 45 when I get around to that one too. I am using the UK2000 demo scenery, noticed it on the forum so went and downloaded it. I also have a container port in southampton and the queen mary 2 along with a few cruise ships which looks great. I follow you out of runway 2 at EGHI when ready as I am sure I am not as quick as you guys lol... Speak Soon Phil
  13. Hi Guys, Just been having a play with Photoshop to try and create a new livery for a Cesna C172 ready for my new company "SlimAir Logistics" in Air Hauler when the game arrives through the post next week. It's my first attempt a painting an aircraft and thought it should be park outside my home airport Southampton which I intend to use as my base of operations. Just need to create all my other aircraft now, they can only get better Let me know your thoughts? Speak Soon Phil
  14. Hi Mutley, That's good to see, I have already downloaded DXTBmp for converting and started by copying a 747-400 default white texture, renaming it, saving one of the files back to a BMP file which Photoshop could read, putting some text on it and putting it back into a format the game could read... although it looked naff it sort of worked... Will have another try today. In Air Hauler what is the default plane for Career mode as I would love to get one painted up ready for when it arrives. Already thought of a name: SlimAir Logistics Now just need to paint a plane... Speak Soon
  15. SlimNasty

    Which Core?

    Hi Rob, Not sure if you have solved this yet as trying to catch up with all the forums posts. Sounds like when FSX is pushing your system it is overheating as browsing the net or running office barely stresses the CPU, let lone the GPU & Memory which all can generate a lot of heat. I had a similar problem when I built my pc some time ago, basically, my Memory actually sits underneath my Cooler for the CPU and the GFX card is very close too, a cheap way to test is get a cheap desk fan and try it at the side of the pc with the case open, if this resolves the problem you can always try and
  16. I love that WOTW paintjob, where you find that one, have you got a link? Speak Soon Phil
  17. Hi Mutley, Hey I like that, especially the flag on the tail I will probably try and find a paint kit for the Cesna, Learjet, 737 & 747 so I can make my fleet, did you use Photoshop or something else? I will have a browse of your forums for some more info and check out see if I can download a few kits, got the CRJ700 and had old 98 guages, so scraped it... working on a 737, but there is no docs with it, so don't know how to get it into the right format for the game... I will get there though :-) Speak Soon Phil
  18. Phil, I will be seeing the guys at Flight1 next weekend and I will ask them if UT2 will be released on dvd and let you know Cheers Hi Mutley, Thanks its appreciated, looking at the various sites today, looks like it has just been released, so may just be a matter of time before a release date on disc I would imagine. I decided not to wait for my first pay packet, so have ordered Air Hauler today, so should get it next week, will need to learn how to make my own liveries now so I can make Slim Airline Haulage Speak Soon Phil
  19. Hi Guys, I tried that and couldn't tell the difference myself, but I think mine is so slow loading because I am still on an AGP system and have over 770 aircraft installed, not to mention added scenery. It was interesting to see that installing Scenery on another drive can help, have to try this next time I re-install which maybe soon. A friend of mine down Portsmouth runs a program called HyperOS which enables him to have multiple operating systems for testing and he swears on his system having a separate partition with Windows XP Pro and Flight Sim X with nothing else almost doubles his f
  20. Thanks Guys, I am looking forward to being a member and my new job... It looks like I will get Air Hauler, been loving the demo, just need to wait for my first pay packet on the 15th of next month then will order a copy, will try a post a screen shot at some point to see what you guys think of my flying. I've had FSX Acceleration for some time now, but only really picked it up properly recently due to a lot of spare time with no job, a friend taught me how to do ILS approaches, although most of the time the computer seems to still put me miles off course and I have to switch to manual landi
  21. Hi Guys, Just thought I would say hello and wasn't sure where to post it as not very good with forums, so hopefully this is okay. Found you site by chance when browsing the net off one of the sites that I download my planes for. I have FSX + Acceleration, have installed VFR London and World of AI, along with about 770 aircraft (takes ages to startup) and a few other things. I am looking to get Air Hauler soon as this looks great, been trying the demo, so if you have any information on this, please feel free to post some links back to me :-) Might get Traffic X later too in order to replac
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