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Everything posted by VH-MAL

  1. A wonderful review Jess. Hope you don't mind, but I put a link to your review on A2As Comanche forum - it's been well received there too! Malcolm
  2. And jaydor did a wonderful repaint in APS colours with VH-MAL proudly emblazoned on the side - I'm still working my way up to being able to buy it in AH, but it's one heck of an incentive! And it has "Old Crock" on the side of the cabin, which is my 'name' at the OZx Forums - it has been the only forum where VH-MAL had already been taken! Thanks again James. Mal
  3. The VC is one of the best I've seen (IMHO). Here's a link to the gallery: http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/84Gallery.html Almost makes it worthwhile getting X-Plane 10! Mal
  4. I had the same problem, and I found quite a few quirky things with this aircraft. Unless you are using a flight yoke with the full complement of levers, it is very confusing - the mixture lever works in reverse to the prop and throttle levers in that you pull it out to get full mixture. I don't know if that is a fault with the sim, but I have mentioned it on their forum. The magneto key is hidden under the yoke, and that has to be on, as does the battery control which is a push knob, and the interesting thing is that the fuel pressure switch (just to the right of the spring-loaded starter swit
  5. I bought this wonderful aircraft a few days ago now, and I am very impressed. KCFlight have done a great job, and JK has excelled himself with the repaints - the aptly named VH-WET being my favourite! Their forums are excellent and the few little niggles that us hawk-eyed flyers discovered, have been taken note of in a gracious manner and I am sure will be dealt with in due course. As I said on their forum, KCFlight have captured the essence of this aircraft, and I can see it fitting in perfectly with the Atolls Of Tuvalu scenery I bought some time ago - I've just got to fly VH-WET (currently
  6. The latest LSA from Anthony Lynch (Ant's Airplanes) is the delightful Eaglet. He put this out for public Beta Testing, so I jumped at the chance to be involved in helping out another Aussie. The end result IMHO is very good (and not necessarily because of/despite me), and everything seems to be in tune with the actual performance in the RW, even the propeller torque. It's available from: http://www.antsairplanes.com/eaglet.html and there's a free demo version also. Mal
  7. Just read this excellent review on the Avsim site. For those interested, the link is: http://www.avsim.com.../AirHauler.html Mal
  8. VH-MAL


    Since the release of their latest patch the A2A Spitfire with Accu-sim is virtually gremlin free now. Unfortunately, because of its realism, I won't be flying it much during our hot summer (I like to fly with RW weather) because the engine overheats very quickly. But don't worry, if I get the urge, I'll head up north (of the equator) and go flying in some cooler climate. Mal
  9. A bit late to add to this I guess, but for what it's worth: I have the Aerosoft Katana and find it very difficult to fly which in my limited experience (flying, that is) means that it must be somewhere near accurate! From the forums it seems that they are on the money with this one, to the extent that the stall warning horn sounds on short final if you are flying by the numbers. And if you can wait a little while, Ant's Airplanes are working on the Eaglet, and his (Anthony) previous efforts of the Sierra and the Drifter have been quite accurate in all respects. Perhaps these aircraft are in
  10. Great shot - takes me back to my Flight Service days when I spoke to that particular aircraft on many occasions. It was used by one of the tuna fisheries in Port Lincoln (South Australia) as a fish spotter. Those guys would go out at first light and head south down over the briney and stay there most of the day, reporting in on 30 minute skeds, giving their positions in code which only we in Civil Aviation bases had access to (so the opposition did not know where they were!). Would have been quite an experience to go on one of those flights, although I think it would also have been very boring
  11. And after a prod from John, I'm on the map now! Malcolm
  12. I didn't think they could improve much on the excellent B-17, but the realistic modelling in this Spitfire is incredible - even down to compression tests on each individual cylinder! A2A have lifted the bar yet again. The down side is that this sim is more memory hungry than their previous aircraft, and on my mediocre system I had to download the alternative textures just to stop my compy doing CTD's every time I tried to load it. The bmp files are 65 MB, which is huge, but the dds files are about 13 MB which my computer can manage. This sim is absolutely superb - if I could only stop it ove
  13. And Merry Christmas from Down-Under. Unlike the northern hemisphere it will be 34 Celsius here on Christmas Day, so I can definitely wish you all 'warm' greetings! Congratulations Joe on a superb forum. Malcolm
  14. And the B707 and B52 are not 9.99! Malcolm
  15. Ant's airplanes (the guy who gave us the freeware Tiger Moth) have released this fun little aircraft, and I may be biased but it's one of the best add-ons I've seen for some time. There is a review of it at: http://www.avsim.com/pages/1210/Ants/LSA.html and for only $20 AUD (same as the USD at the moment) it's great value IMHO. Malcolm
  16. No apology needed John, I realised what you were talking about once I saw the partial turbine wheel recovered so far. They are looking for the rest of that wheel for obvious reasons as it may give them a clue as to the cause of the fracture. And I've just heard on the news that Qantas are more closely inspecting their A380 RR engines following reports that they have found oil in the engines in places it shouldn't be. So their fleet (of A380s) remain grounded for the moment. Malcolm
  17. Yes - I'm one of those who likes reading manuals - and PMDG are great with what they supply, and occasionally Captain Sim aren't too bad. A great site for many manuals etc is: http://www.smartcockpit.com/ Look under 'Aircraft' for lots of 'stuff', which is being added to regularly. I found lots there for the BAE JS4100 for example, and there are many documents for the A320 - all available as pdf downloads. The manuals at the Cessna site are pdfs and very helpful. The only part of the Pilots Information Manual for which we need an amendment are the few pages dealing with the instruments, th
  18. I have been following this incident closely naturally enough, and have seen lots of press releases etc regarding it. It appears that a part of the number 2 engine broke apart, and most of the fragments ended up on the ground, the biggest being part of the cowling about six feet (measurements for you John) in length. Unfortunately for the investigators, the locals picked up the pieces and brought them to a central location where they have been collected by officials. It also appears that a fragment did penetrate the wing, with a small gash appearing at the top of the wing just inboard of the
  19. For anyone serious with their flying of the SuperCargoMaster, I found the official Cessna site had a couple of very useful manuals, particularly: Specifications and Description (29 pages) Pilots Information Manual (536 pages) They are for the G1000 version but I'm sure the specs etc would apply to our old analogue version! They are available at: http://www.cessna.com/caravan/super-cargomaster/super-cargomaster-documents.html Malcolm PS I've written to them to see if I can get hold of an 'analogue' version of the manual
  20. Just noticed on the Carenado site that they have added the Cargo Version add-on for this wonderful aircraft - the original product has been given a very good review at Avsim! It is purely an add-on and the base pack is required. Great for the AH community! Malcolm
  21. Now available from Flight 1 is the Britten Norman Islander BN-2A and BN-2B. The product page is still being set up, but for those who are impatient, it can be purchased through their forum pages, follow this link: http://www.simforums.com/forums/forum_p ... 157#201157 From the screenshots and list of features it looks quite good.... Malcolm Edit - it is now up on Flight 1's Product page.
  22. Thanks for that Joe - all I have to decide is which one(s) to buy! Malcolm
  23. This beautiful aircraft - Beechcraft seem to make 'pretty' planes - is now available at the Carenado website: http://www.carenado.com/ecommerce/busca ... roducto=82 They snuck it in, as the screenshots page still shows it as being in Beta Testing! They have included a GNS430 (and user guide) in this one, and the remainder of the aircraft looks as though it is up to the normal high Carenado standard. My birthday soon, so I think I'll grab an early present... Malcolm
  24. I agree with the comments regarding the Carenado Caravan, FSX and FS9 has needed a good payware Caravan for some time. And yes Joe, I have the Kodiak - great plane, but call me old-fashioned, I do like analogue instruments! Malcolm
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