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Russell Linn

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About Russell Linn

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    Ground Staff

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  • Name
    Russ Linn
  • Location
    UK, The Matrix

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  1. Hey all!Just a heads up, we've finally released KGPI Glacier Park International Airport! All the information you need can be found here: https://www.turbulentdesigns.co.uk/forum/topic/729-kgpi-glacier-park-international-airport-released/ We really hope you enjoy it and thanks again for all the support!!Thanks,Russ
  2. Thanks all! We've also received some feedback from the screenshots, so we've made a few changes which will be shown during the BETA stages Thanks, Russ
  3. Hey all! As the title says, we're swiftly approaching BETA with KGPI now, so here's a bunch of screenshots before the BETA Testers get hold of it! For more shots, check our forum: https://www.turbulentdesigns.co.uk/kgpi-glacier-park-international-airport-approaching-beta/ Here are a few cherry picked shots for you: Thanks, Russ
  4. Hey all, Sorry to bump an old thread, but the update to include the new documentation has just been released. Apologies for it taking longer than I imagined. We had some extra functionality to add to the installer/Terminal that I didn't foresee. Thanks, Russ
  5. Hi all! We've just released update 1.2 for TerraFlora, bringing new features and tweaks to the product. We'd like to thank everyone for their feedback as this update couldn't have been done without it! You can find the full details on updating and changelog here: https://www.turbulentdesigns.co.uk/terraflora-update-1-2-0/ New Features: – Added multiple variants for Fall colouring. – Most broadleaf species now have at least two colour variants to reduce the ‘solid carpet’ effect. This means that were a single species is annotated, you will now see
  6. Just an update on this - Although the updates for all the documentation and airport are done, we're announcing and releasing the update for TerraFlora first. We'll be releasing the updates for the airports in the next couple of days! (We didn't want TerraFlora to distract people from the airport updates) Thanks, Russ
  7. We've got a rather large update coming out tomorrow with changes on all of our installers, documentation and TerraFlora too... All coming from user feedback. So hopefully you can see that we're always listening! (Yes, even to people that don't know how to put it nicely) Thanks, Russ
  8. Thanks Captain Coffee! You'll be happy to know that I've just finished creating a documentation PDF for every product including MBS. We'll be releasing these updates shortly! Once updated, you'll be able to access the manual via the product documentation button in the Turbulent Terminal. Thanks, Russ
  9. Thanks for the feedback! We'll be having a meeting about this in the morning and we'll see what we can do As for the area around the airport, we try not to let the area stop us from doing the airports that we love. Else there would be a lot of airports out there not receiving the love and attention that they deserve in the world of simulation. We'll likely continue to do the airports that aren't at the top of the "need" list, as we like to try new areas, new features and new visuals! Thanks again for the very well written review and feedback, all! Thanks,
  10. Hi guys, Documentation is something we're looking in to now. We opted for the e-manual approach because this way we can make sure everyone has up-to-date information, and not have to wait for an airport update in order to have a manual update. But it seems like people aren't digging it, which we're taking on board. In the latest Turbulent Terminal update, there's a documentation button added, but the installation process for all the airports are the same. I've played with the layout on the forum so it seems more like a manual and included coverage areas, but
  11. Hey there! We're releasing some updates soon which will come with a lot of colour adjustments including some winter/snow improvements Thanks, Russ
  12. Hi all! Just a heads up, we have more screenshots and details regarding Terra Flora! We’re excited to announce that Terra Flora is currently nearing the end of BETA testing and will be in your hands shortly! We’ve created a selection of screenshots that demonstrate Terra Flora across the globe. There are a lot more screenshots to come, including some from help of friends showing your favourite products! Here are the facts about Terra Flora: – Replacement for all default autogen to improve your simulation experience on a global scale
  13. Thanks very much, Mutley! It's already really fun to be working on. Lots of details!
  14. Hi all! Just a heads up, we've announced KGPI Glacier Park International Airport! The Team You’re probably wondering who will be developing KGPI? Well, here’s the team: Russell Linn – Modelling, Ground Poly Russ White – Modelling, Vegetation Greg Jones – Modelling, Photoreal Imagery We’re very excited to start development on KGPI and we look forward to sharing updates with you though the development process! More info can be found in the full article here: https://www.turbulentdesigns.co.uk/turbulent-designs-kgpi-glac
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