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Everything posted by CAT3508

  1. Hi Joe, I seem to be able to log in normally at present. The site says its still not secure and the HTPPS is in red and crossed out, but apart from that its' okay Cheers, Neil
  2. Thanks Brett, I will look into that
  3. Over the previous 2 weeks or so, when ever I try and log into the forum, I am presented with the following (Your connection is not private Attackers might be trying to steal your information from mutleyshangar.com (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards. Learn more) This doesn't happen with any other forum, and its most annoying. I bypass the warning obviously, but any suggestions would be welcome Cheers Neil
  4. Well ! 122 views and not one recommendation. That is very surprising. Have decided to go for Chase Plane, as Ezydoc, seems to have many detractors, and a lot more difficult to set up.
  5. Hi Guys, Have been looking at getting the Milviz Beech King Air 350i, and watched a full video of the all the checklists done properly. This requires an enormous amount of repeated head up, head down, cross check, hold this and hold that. The conclusion is that it is not possible to do this properly, with regards to P3Dv4 sim, without a decent camera setup. So can anyone recommend, a decent set up. Am not really into camera shakes, and similar type effects. I just want it for ease of use from within the cockpit. Cheers
  6. Just for your general edification, today is World Wind day. No hilarity allowed as it isn't the celebration of flatulence. Just thought you might like to know.
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