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Posts posted by reef

  1. Hi all.

    Been flying around PNW VFR mostly and always like to know conditions before flying. WindyTy.com is absolutely perfect for me. A simple in motion visual model of what weather/wind is doing for anywhere in the world. A few things that really make this great for aviators....You can chose the altitude for the weather to be shown, very useful for staying below harsh conditions.....You can move the little bar around the map for detailed weather for where it points....Best of all, if you zoom close enough, its shows airfields and if the are currently VFR or IFR. Before every flight I pop this webby up for some quick info on what weather to expect. Hope you find it as useful as I do.



    • Like 3
  2. Hey guys.

    Hope you are all well and no doubt looking forward to a break at Christmas. I figured it was about time i dropped some shots in. These are the same i put up at JF so you may have already seen them. If not, i hope there is something you like :great:








    Well there you go, take care :thum:


  3. Thanks guys :biggrin:

    Phil i did think about tracers but then did not as hes not actually in his firing line yet but no doubt a burst is imminent. I may have to think about a shot with more gunfire next time, would be a challenge to get right but could look good.


  4. Hey guys.

    Just a couple more edits. The first was done quickly early sunday morning as my girl decided she wanted to be up at 6.30 instead of 8.30 :smile: So it was not up to my usual efforts but not too bad.

    No origional for this one, edited over it :thanks:



    and the before..


    Both the backgrounds are my own photos, im hardly without a camera on my travels these days :winka:

    Thanks for taking a look..


  5. Excellent work :smile: One thing i would do is select each panel of glass that form the windscreen, and give them a touch of reflection starting very slight and increase slightly for each panel towards the right. This shows how each piece of glass reflects light from the sky individually as each is pointing in a slightly different direction. Work always on a new layer then shift its opacity slider when finished until happy.


  6. Nice looking shots sir :nea:

    Agree with the others on selection, time spent cutting out is well spent. I use the polygon tool myself always triming up close. You will notice there is no hard line up close but rather it blends between aircraft and whats behind. Try to cut half way between the two if you can.

    Keep em coming :good:


  7. Hey :smile:

    Ive been trying the rise of Flight demo and after a quick dispatch by a hun Albatross (i think) my aircraft clattered to the earth in a very undignified fasion. Anyway the end result shows the German pilot surveying his handywork. I know i used this background recentley but was ideal for the shot i wanted to create so sorry for that.


    Thanks for taking a look...


  8. Hey guys.

    Really appreciate your kind feedback, happy you enjoyed taking a look. Dai, i do have a shot in mind that would heavily feature grass but not got my head around it yet :great: Needles the worst thing you can do is not post your shots. Feedback from people is by far the best way to learn and i would have got nowhere without it. As long as you can take a few negative comments about your shots and put them right in the next anyone can do it. Editing to me is learning lots of small skills and bringing them all together to form a shot. The shot may look complex but is simply broken down into lots of smaller steps. Also looking at photos of the real thing will always help.



  9. Hey guys, hope your all well. Just dropping in my two latest shots both with heavy reflection work but quite different shots. Let me know what you think :biggrin:









    Thanks having a look and take care :thum:


  10. Its a fine composition Simi good job. Its true what you said over at SSW that you don't see me here so much, i think it has mostly to do with SSW being very focused on editing which as you know i like to do. You got a good response for your shot especially as it was in the composite forum where some fine work is posted. Anyway, was good to see a post from you and look forward to your next artwork :biggrin:


  11. Hey guys, just a few from me. The Jug im really happy with...

    This shot was just experimentation with dust.



    Absoloutely love this model by A2A and will be even better when i get accusim for it.


    The origional shot..


    Thanks for looking :great:


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