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Posts posted by reef

  1. Cheers guys and i'll not be gone just not posting so much. I find i get home, mooch through the forums i'm involved with and have little to no time to actually get stuff done. I hope to get seriously into texturing aircraft as well as keeping my edits up and both take up alot of time. Work has gone crazy towards Christmas and have never known so many damaged ships come in at once.

    Take it easy guys and have a good Christmas.


    P.S. @ Wayne. Was a pleasure sir :clap:

  2. Hey guys.

    Time has become an issue lately so rather than try do everything i have decided to do less but hopefully better. I've asked Joe to drop my mod status in the A+E and screenshots sections as i will be spending much less time here. I hope to drop some shots in from time to time still but won't be as frequent. Sorry to Wayne, i just have no time to finish up the edit tutorials but from what i've seen so far, you will no doubt be making mine look poor in no time at all.

    One departing shot with Waynes' homeland in mind..


    Take care guys and have a great Christmas !


  3. Hey guys.

    I think you guys are missing the point of the system here. Its a surface launched anti Nuke system. Basically several of these are launched into space via their own missle delivery system. Once in space they deploy and hunt down the incoming nukes so being in space, i guess being noisey is not a problem :clap: As for firing blanks ? What you see is its thrusters firing which when in space will be how it gets to its target. It also does not carry weapons..it is the weapon. There are quite a few vids on youtube about it and no, don't think we will see it in FSX :mrhappy:


  4. Part 3. Finishing off.

    First off two appologies. First off for taking so long to get this part out. Secondly Wayne, after looking at the shot i realised there was not much further i could take the shot. As such, will not answer the things you asked me to try help with. The shot is midday with high sun and as such, there is only so much you can do. Therfore i decided to finish up this shot and move on. I will address more extreme lighting in a new shot on the ground so as to be able show some ground techniques also.









    Hopefully by now the shot looks a bit better. However one thing i must say, its tricky to write down how i do things. This is due to the fact that i often yo-yo back and forth while editing. Somethings work and some don't. If something does not work out i go back and try something different. I can't do this while taking snaps and writing it up unless i want to spend a month doing it. That said, take what i write as ideas you can play with and not as rules by which to edit.


    Thanks for sticking along this far.


    P.S. Forgot to put in the above, when finished to resize your shot back down to what you want it. :thumbup:

  5. There are a few rules i try to follow when doing a shot with regards to the subject matters location. What you have ended up with in your crop is an aircraft flying off the shot but at the same time a wide open area at the upper right. More often than not try to leave space for the aircraft to fly into. In this case i would of lost more from the top than the bottom.

    Certainly much better than the origional though.


  6. Sheep !? :mrhappy: Hehe nice one Dai :thumbup:

    Glad you guys liked it. Will be flying gliders more often i think. Scary knowing if you get the approach wrong you have no throttle to get you out of the !*?% (sheep Droppings) :thumbup:


  7. An incredible Journey and quite a selection of aircraft. A fine job sir in getting the batton through. I do think you need to be a little more selective with your shots as many are similar to others. For each of my last legs sections i maybe had 30+ shots, i then tried to cut these down to 10 for each section picking out highlights rather than showing its entirety.

    Look forward to your next leg..


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