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About Ratty

  • Rank
    Ground Staff

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  • Name
  • Location
    Lakeside, California
  1. I flew the Cherokee around mostly with just map and compass and had a blast! This (my first MEBAR) was a highly entertaining exercise that really sharpened my flying skills. Thanks to everyone involved in creating this treat. I'll be back!
  2. Approaching KRO VOR, the last turn before the run into Athens. Gotta love those twilight flights!
  3. . . . buzz a cruise ship!
  4. Hmmm, a little ahead of schedule, so there's time to . . .
  5. Now to do it in the Cherokee . . .
  6. Leg 3, passing Drama.
  7. Approaching Crete towards the end of Leg 1. Odd place for a tree . . .
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