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Everything posted by AirbusLad

  1. Gr8 news! i will be entering :dance: Make up for the last ATWII when i couldn't fly as much as i wanted too.
  2. Hi Dai, Needles guessed right, It is a Chinchilla, His name is Whiskers and he also has a wife named Angel :baton:. Me and my girlfriend breed them and just sold 2 of his kits that was 14 Weeks old.
  3. Thank You all for your kind words. It was a pleasure doing Leg 5 and i hope i can be apart of another Leg or 2 soon.
  4. Hello Everyone! Well after simi_av8r's fab post we are now in Athens and it is now my job to take the baton and get it safely to Cairo. Aircraft is Egyptair's Airbus A320, Route today is direct to Cairo, we will be flying over Iraklio making our descent over Alexandria before making our way into Cairo. SO, A very simple route, A very simple aircraft, The normal daily passengers but 1 very special bit of cargo on board. Thats right, The ATWC baton! The Route So, Passengers and Cargo is loaded, I've just had the baton handed to me which is straped in beside me. Started the engines and
  5. Lovely looking stuff Ed! Gr8 to be on the way
  6. wow! They are some stunnin shots!
  7. I'm suprised how fast the first lot of flights went! Looks like i'm handing that batton to you the red baron when the time comes
  8. YES! ATWCIII! Cannot wait for this!
  9. Well done mate! That is an amazing shot! Getting 1 back for FSX Eh? Good for you!
  10. O very nice, I guess this will alwas work on my Ipod Touch? Always nice to have alittle fly while on a Train, Bus, Or even Walking?
  11. Nice and Clean paint! Very good work there mate!
  12. Really nice shot, Love the tail on the MD-11
  13. Here is for my 2nd shot, A Westland Merlin HM1 Departs Shoreham (England) to make its hop back home.
  14. Gr8 looking shots! Really do love the livery! I also get the same with ATC, Worse then going round and round on a wheel!
  15. AH! At least! i keep saying i'll be over to enter a competition but never get round to it, Sooo When u saw this on Justflight i jumped at it. So for my first pic is of my PSS 757 in AA Livery making a departure from St Maarten, Nothing edited, Just my name. Good luck to everyone else on here who enters!
  16. AirbusLad

    757 & 777

    Lovely shots! Gotta love the 757 n 777!
  17. WOW, Gatwick being my home airport them shots really get my heart.
  18. Some nice GA Flying there mate. Loving it!
  19. Very nice, Welcome to the fourm mate.
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