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Found 4 results

  1. Hi guys, Unfortunately over the past month or so, something has happened to my computer (maybe a background update) that has stopped my version of P3D working. It'll load as far as the opening screen but won't proceed further than that without a crash. I'm reluctant to do an uninstall/reinstall as I've got a few addons from various sites and can't remember which ones I've bought from! Annoyingly, I'd just purchased iFly 747 and was hoping to test it out so any tips or tricks to get it working again would be great. I appreciate this post is pretty vague but unfortunately my computer
  2. Lockheed Martin have released a new update to Prepar3D V3. The new version is available from your prepar3d account. Grab it and enjoy. Prepar3D v3.4 – Release Notes The Client installer is required for Prepar3D v3.4, however the Content, Scenery, and SDK installers are optional. You must first have Prepar3D v3 installed to utilize the Client only installer. To install the Prepar3D v3.4 Client, you must first uninstall the Prepar3D v3 Client via Programs and Features in Windows Control Panel. The Prepar3D v3.4 Client update will require you to reactivate your product, however if
  3. The Ben

    Almost Real

    Few unedited videos :
  4. Hi Gang, I thought I would share some shots whilst setting up my PC for the show on Saturday. These shots show Prepar3D V3 with FTX Global and FTX OpenLC, also some payware aircraft for may recognise. I have the sim running at full pelt and it hasn't complained yet! You can see the machine running on a much bigger screen at Cosford. Just pretty random, please note I changed the sim to the Captain Sim L1011 half way through the flight as I couldn't get it started, that's probably my ignorance unless it really isn't compatible. All the rest were ok.
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