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RAF drones to be used for 2012 Olympics security

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The RAF is planning to use MQ-9 Reaper robot drones for surveillance and intelligence-gathering during the 2012 London Olympics as part of the largest security operation ever mounted in the UK.

It will be the first time that unmanned aircraft have been allowed to fly over the crowded capital, although it is likely they will be operating within an air exclusion zone in force for the period of the games to minimise the risk of accidental midair collision.

Manned fighter aircraft will be stationed at several bases within easy flying distance of London to meet the threat of a hijacked airliner being used in a 9/11-style terrorist suicide attack while the Reapers will be used to track movement on the ground.


The drones, remotely controlled by pilots, are fitted with a range of infra-red sensors, ground-scanning radars, electronic eavesdropping equipment and high-definition cameras which allow them what RAF sources describe as "a God's-eye view of the battlefield". :rofl

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I must be losing it, I don't understand why Mutley is rofl'ing :welcomeani:

Remember the global hawk that suddenly gained a mind of its own, ignored the pilot on the ground and refused to land? The UAV's could ignore all commands, fly over to Mut's place and photograph him on the bog. Yuk! :blush

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I must be losing it, I don't understand why Mutley is rofl'ing :clap:

Remember the global hawk that suddenly gained a mind of its own, ignored the pilot on the ground and refused to land? The UAV's could ignore all commands, fly over to Mut's place and photograph him on the bog. Yuk! :blush

That's why.

I won't be in town that day :welcomeani:

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Here's a snippet from the IET about (ex) RAF Aberporth and its UAV's:


I haven't heard any droning round here (Are you sure? Ed) but Pam's in London today.....

Oh, and I'm not sure how my pals at Haverfordwest International (EGFE) are going to react to Aberporth's claim to be West Wales Airport (sneering and gnashing of teeth off.....)

Cheers - Dai. :mrhappy:

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