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Have Retired...and have started(?)

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Hi Guys....
Well step 3 has arrived.....after 42 years of pulling the cart I was unchained from it last friday. Now I have quite a bit of time on my hands and here is some of the activities I will be doing, at least that's what I think:
First am off to my second country...Italy for a vacation.
2) The Max Rex E-Pulp Flight Adventures will come out more often with new episodes for those pilots that like to get involved with Max in one of the expeditions into unknown skies.

3) A series of --Not well known--airfield scenery will be popping out for all to enjoy. You will fly to small airfields all over the world where these tiny fields are the only communication with the outside world and tough Bush Pilots dare to fly into them and bring mail, passengers, medicines, doctors and risk their bones in order to earn a living.

4) Hopefully I will get into some --Online Flying--but I still have to delve into this some since I have not done any of it since around 1999 or whereabouts.

5) Will open a blog of "Short flying stories"....not sure how this will play out.
6) Hope to do some "System Consulting" to some of my old clients, but not much.....($$$)

7) Fly, Fly, Fly with the sim as much as possible.

8) Really have fun with my grandchildren--this is an ongoing activity.

9) Thank my wife for all her patience and love she has given me for so many years (47)

10) Thank God for being so good to me.....


and come around here and chat some....and if this crew needs some collaboration I'll be at your order.



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Thanks everyone. It's been a week now and haven't stopped!!!!....this is a lot of work!!!!!


Finished two projects "Central America unknown airfields (8) and Unknown airfields of Peru (8)". Today I will make some Papua homes and people for the next project......Max Rex is figuring out how to mess up the evil plans of some Nazis out in the Caribbean, they have set up an assembly plant for six bombers that will be bombing the Panama Canal on Dec 8, 1941!!!!!.....humm, with Max around they are in trouble...so on and so forth...

Will be leaving for Italy at the end of the month so I have to hurry if these projects will be out soon. Happy to know some of you actually have seen some of my adventures hope they have been of your liking.

I am also checking flying on line which I might be doing, last time I did was back in 2000 or so....


Well guys, thanks again and hope you'll have a great weekend with all the family...




Will start walking with a neighbor who is in the same boat next week at around 7AM so sleeping late is out!!!

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