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B787 Dreamliner ablaze at Heathrow, Breaking news!

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Such a shame that this aircraft has been beset by these problems, Mind you the 747 had engine problems at first ,( the casings on the early JT9Ds were sagging in flight and turning Oval, this caused the blade tips to hit the sides and cause severe damage.)and that has evolved into arguably the most important airliner in the world today.

I bet Airbus are watching this with interest!


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At this rate they're going to have a complete commercial and safety failure on their hands like the Comet. Nobody will want to fly on them. I don't think they'd be able to reincarnate this as a maritime reconaissance A/C either.

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You would have thought that after all the testing they did on the thing they would have got it right wouldn't you.  It's turning into a bl**dy fiasco for Boeing. These sort of problems should have been recognised and fixed long before it entered service. Looking at this one, If the hull has been compromised I can see it being written off and scrapped where it is.  I wonder if the A350 order book has started to increase?


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sadly knowing how the FAA work , they will not enforce another grounding unless someone dies, years ago when we had the comet problems the US profitted enormously from our own self imposed situation.

however due to commercial pressures Boeing are not prepared to do the honourable thing and throw themselves on the sword so it will not be untill a plane crashes that eventually they will be forced to address this nightmare of a dreamliner.

I have been flying for over 60 years and having read at great length how this plane was developped you stand more chance of having a kiss from the pope than me flying in one of these , nearly, flying machines.

if inded reports are correct and there was a fire inside the wet dream liner then it is not like all the other a/c flying --- we willl repace the damagedd skin, and make good--- this is a case of scrap the airfrme !!! it cannot be repaired!!

This may well break the already weakened back of boeing which was already broken but patched up enormously by their over pricing of government projects such as the dead duck f35.

there must come a time when the bean counters cry "enough is enough"

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I'm inclined to agree with you in some respects, If this matter is not resolved quickly then it will seriously damage Boeing, they have put a lot of investment into this aircraft and for it to fail would be a major crisis. Not only in the states but over here too where a lot of Britsh Jobs are at stake in the programme.  The other setback would be if that aircraft was to be broken up in full view of the public at Heathrow the image would be around the world in seconds and that alone could kill the thing stone dead! Nobody would touch it!

I can't help but wonder what would happen if Airbus decided that Boeing was rich for picking and tried a take-over bid! 

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If it's a hull write-off, Boeing will be seriously wounded. Short of that, it's just a disaster.


Fortunately, nobody hurt. This is at least two that occurred when the AC was unoccupied and parked.


Does anyone know if the problematic batteries are in that area of the AC?




EDIT: Is anyone having any success getting into the PPRUNE forums on this?



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From this...




The fire appears to have been in the crew rest loft.










...implies not batteries but not sure if the graphic covers the location of ALL the batteries.




One report says Ethiopian 787s do not have the aft crew rest loft fitted. There's now a rumor that it was a galley fire from a coffee pot - extensive damage to galley area - NOT CONFIRMED at this time.



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It appears the AC was totally unoccupied but was being prepared for towing.  Aft galley is looking to be the area most involved in the fire but no one credible is saying yet what/where the actual ignition source was.



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Whatever happened, it's a shame for Boeing - I hope the 787 truly takes off (no pun intended) and becomes a global plane... why? It's quite capable of doing the Bristol-Hong Kong route... meaning for others that soon you won't need the inner-city hubs or large internationals just outside... imagine a world without the need for Heathrow or Gatwick except for the biggest of planes.

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