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Today is a "Government" day - have to go into Victoria and early renew my passport.


@Britfrog: I'm on my way to France in a month or so and my passport will become useless around Christmas - while I'm out of the country. The passport doesn't expire until May, but they're no good if they're within six months of the expiry date. Right there is a clue to the stupidity that I'm going to be dealing with all day.


Canada has finally wakened up to join the rest of the known world and they're handing out ten year passports. They were always five year documents which means they were only really good for four and a half years.


well if you down in the real south put your head in and say hello, I am waiting to hear when next month my schoolfriends from tha Bahamas are coming again, I also want to take my wife off to see either portugal or another region of France that we dont know have a look at our website!


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Yesterday I went out for a ride along with my cousin who has a small courrier business. We had to follow a coach from RAF Cosford to RAF Northolt. The coach was taking 50 Air Cadets back home after spending a few weeks Summer Camp at Cosford. We were carrying their luggage. Too much for the coach to carry. Anyway, whilst partaking in the the traditional military pastime of "Hurry up and wait" (it was good to see some things never change) a guy was being questioned in the guardroom about why he had landed his hot air balloon at RAF Cosford. I didn't hear it myself but apparently he said, to the disbelief of the guardroom staff, "my passengers had paid for a 2 hour flight and their 2 hours was up". The RAF told him there would be a fine involved and a report or two made. Apparently his arrival resulted in a bit of a panic involving armed personel rushing to the scene.


Now at this point I have to point out that later, when going to load up the coach and van, we drove past the balloon basket and saw that he had missed the airfield completely and landed the other side of the road near the accomodation blocks. This suggests to me, and backed up by ppl who were there, that this wasn't a controlled landing but an emergency landing. I'm guessing that the 2 hour limit excuse was just that, an excuse to cover up a mistake like running out of gas. He was, again apparently, also asked by the RAF why he chose to land within RAF Cosford and not one of the many fields surrounding the airfield, avoiding all the shit and corruption he was now facing. I didn't hear what his answer was. I have to add the caveat that besides seeing the pilot talking to the RAF in the guardroom, and seeing the balloon on the deck among the accomodation blocks, the rest of the info is second-hand so could be inacurate in some respects but, assuming all the above is what happened, just how much trouble could this pilot be in? I assume the CAA will have to get involved?

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Balloons always crash. It's how they land. They don't choose an airfield, they choose a zipcode, then collide with it.


@ Britfrog - I have one of those digital photo frames and have over 6,000 images in it (adding more all the time), set to display randomly at one hour intervals. I never know what is going to pop up next and it's a great alternative to having hardcopy photos gathering dust. Great invention...



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We had a couple of friends over for lunch yesterday with their kids , havent seen them for 12 years, in fact they were spogless when we last saw them, still it was a good boozy afternoon and the kids were good they played in the pool all afternoon, very pleased to see how well they swam, just like a pair of otters our newest dog was also occupied most of the day so that gave the older fellow a break. The pool water was a lovely cool 32 degrees ,magic!

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Early in to work this morning at 7:15 - Lucy has us up at 5am and I had to get the final accounts done so I decided to make use of the early start. Finished at 5 then did a bit more work at home before hopping onto FSX for a flight from Pisa to Madrid on VATSIM

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32 degrees? Wowsers, is it heated or is that natural.


Re dogs in pools, have a look here..hehe!



I love the vid ! our eldest wont go in the pool but the latest has already been in and enjoys it ! the problem is how to encourage her without him getting jealous that she is getting all the attention.


the pool has a cover (by law)  which keeps the heat in, the temp was 38 degrees before the pump started, It give you an extra month os swimming at either end of the season over a non covered pool.

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Well today I have been busy at work earning money whilst supervising a couple of chaps building our conservatory.


It seems that they make it up as they go along and any mis-calculations or shortfalls are made up by the next team, of the three different jobs they have been hired to do not one has been finished, even after nearly 4 weeks of turmoil!


Our house is a tip but hey, the good news is I am speccing out a new PC so life is good!

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Today I retuned my Ukelele, visited the Podiatrist, phoned the vets to get an appointment for the cat and then went to the cinema to see The Lone Ranger, a film that I thoroughly reccomend. absolutely hialrious, lots of nods to the original TV series and Johnny Depp as Tonto is simply brilliant. I haven't laughed so much in ages. Ignore what those stupid American critics have said, go see it! You'll love it!

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Those are nice temps Nigel,

What pooches do you have? We are up for getting one probably next year.


Joe , we have siberian huskys before that we had 2 Borzoi's . I enclose 2 pics



They are amazing dogs to live with, highly intelligent but not the kind of dog that you can simply leave at home all day as they get bored. The little grey one was recently given to us as the owners had previously owned cockers and thought they could leave her all day chained up in a small garden.  so at 8 months of age we had a knock on the door (the owner works at the mairie) and asked would we give her a new home. Hard to say no, the big fellows nose is well and truly out of joint at the moment  but he will soon change his tune as she will come into season soon :)

However like any dog, do masses of reading on the internet before you go in with 2 feet, last year we took one from the dog pound as we thought that with so many there it would be nice to rehome one---- big disaster, most of them in a pound are there for a reason they bring a lot of baggage with them, she was psycho so went back after 3 months of trying.

If you follow the link to photobucket I have posted a sequence of Buster at breakfast with my wife and father in law

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Late entry:


Yesterday.  Started a complete software rebuild on my main flying machine. Windows7 64/ultimate O/S.  3 fixed HDD and 3 external 1Tb drives on USB3 system. (the need for speed) :)

Why so many you may ask?  Well I have decided that I am going for photo-real scenery throughout this build with only ORBX FTXGlobal, no regions.  I have opted for Megasceneryearth

for all of the USA over time and also the new worldwide releases from them as they appear.  UK is Horizon GenX +Trees.  Also going to for VFR France after seeing BritFrog's shots..


I have opted to use the new ultra-wide screen and use the 3 monitor wide screens on my second computer that will get a make over after this machine is done.  A second ultra-wide will be added for the ultra-widened look.  That hopefully will eliminate the side stretching of 3 screens. Will keep you informed of progress.. :rockon:


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Late entry:


Yesterday.  Started a complete software rebuild on my main flying machine. Windows7 64/ultimate O/S.  3 fixed HDD and 3 external 1Tb drives on USB3 system. (the need for speed) :)

Why so many you may ask?  Well I have decided that I am going for photo-real scenery throughout this build with only ORBX FTXGlobal, no regions.  I have opted for Megasceneryearth

for all of the USA over time and also the new worldwide releases from them as they appear.  UK is Horizon GenX +Trees.  Also going to for VFR France after seeing BritFrog's shots..


I have opted to use the new ultra-wide screen and use the 3 monitor wide screens on my second computer that will get a make over after this machine is done.  A second ultra-wide will be added for the ultra-widened look.  That hopefully will eliminate the side stretching of 3 screens. Will keep you informed of progress.. :rockon:


Sounds a nice system, i agree with you that photoscenery is the way to go allied with various peoples airports. The problem with it is that it spoils to some degree the ftx experience , the new stuff coming out slowly from france vfr ie their regional vfr 3d packages will make ftx scenery obsolete and as I understand it from FVFR they will offer  discretionary rates to those who are already owners of their ordinary photoscenery to upgrade to vfr regional. the only thing I will miss are the ftx airports , which are superb, they really must listen to their customers and Make them compatible with ordinary scenery so we dont have to use their regions.

I look forward to hearing how you get on with 2 extra wide monitors.

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I have spent 2 days now trying to make a video showing FVFR scenery, It is a lot more difficult than I thought to get away from the terribly amateur level, still I shall persevere.

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