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Leg 92: Fiumicino LIRF ->> Ferihegy LHBP (Part 1)

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Whilst we wait for Fred to post his shots we need to press on so here is part1 of my flight, with part 2 to be posted tonight

For my flight to Budapest I only have a SIAI Marchetti SF-260 free so it's going to be a long flight in this single engine marvel!

Here is part one Rome -->> Zagreb LDZA

So with coffee downed and bacon sandwich consumed I'm of for a dawn departure.


Ah an Austrian Airbus, didn't I see you in Bournemouth last week?


All this runway for little 'ol me?


It's one helluva log way to the active, the ATC gave me a taxi routing that was like a cryptic message I had to de-cypher so I decided to follow a Cessna in front of me and made it! Ready for the off.


Airborne we are passing over one of those many taxiways


The sprawling city of Rome, I could make out some landmarks but now is not the time to go exploring!


Looking behind at all those runways!


There's a lot of traffic around, a most of it coming in the opposite direction.


Now we can see the sun, the traffic is dispersing nicely


I'm cruising at 5000 feet I would have preferred lower to pass under those clouds.


The northern section of Italy is quite mountainous as we can see.


Had to climb to 7,000 to be safe.


Now leaving Italy and passing Ancona across the Adriatic Sea, although I checked earlier I nervously check my life jacket is readily available.


Beautiful vista's of the sea from up here below I can see contrails on the water as huge ships cut through the water.


Asked for a lower FL, descending as I approach Croatia.


Now you can see why, these fellas were looking angry, still land ahoy!


Quite a way inland the snow is everywhere.


We've got clearance to drop into Zagreb LDZA for fuel and a a comfort break and feet up for half an hour.


As our tip tanks were now empty I got permission to put on a little show, smoke on!


A low pass






Stall and tail spin




Ok we're coming in for real this time.


We're number one to land.


Air Croatia holding patiently.


Landed on all three!


Rolling out, that's snow not smoke!


Now we're vacated the Airbus can make it's way.


The taxiing here was much easier, F then R


Aeroflot ahead, we'll pass behind.


Here's my space, coming to a stop, oh look a shameless piece of advertising!


Here endeth part one, we've called for full and will be under way within the hour hopefully so the remainder to be posted tonight.


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Only half-way and I've run out of superlatives! As usual, the Master shows us how it should be done - magic, Joe - thanks for the up-lifting experience! BTW, did you keep the bacon buttie down?!?

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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:stars: A treat for all, practically every shot had my jaw to the table, I love the sky in particular on some of the wing-view shots. I'm glad to see this flight has gotten off to a good start! Time to go and have a peep at part deux! :cool:



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With a dozen pilots on the ATWC i'm quite supprised at how few have responded here to what i think is an excellent post. Its obvious Joe puts in the effort as do others but a bit of recognition would be nice. Takes but a minute to right a comment and this is a joint venture for all of us after all.


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Thanks for the post Steve,

I would hope ATWC pilots would respond more too.

I've been trying to get more members to join the forum with deals and offers but unfortunately it doesn't guarantee replies to posts.

I would love to see more post starters as well.

Thanks for the back up :bowdown:

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I would love to see more post starters as well.


Come on, guys. It doesn't have to be profound as long as it's not profane.


I agree there are too few comments to the ATWC posts. These guys spend many hours to give us ten minutes of an entertaining read. The feedback encourages everyone to put in the extra effort in the next one. I appreciate every pilot who's flown a leg and created a post for us to look at.



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I agree too that ATWC posts do not get enough replies, I am just appreciative of the replies I get. It is always I nice and encouraging feeling when you get a dozen positive replies, and so I mostly reply to all other posts because I know that it will satisfy the person when they get the reply, and it also makes me feel like I have made someone else happy. I think that it's not the posters that should be appreciative for the replies, but the repliers should be appreciative of the post.

Kind Regards,

George : Tap

Ps. Joe, my leg 93 should be up tonight, but It will most definately be up tomorrow if not! :bowdown:

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