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Will add that after a good long flight between PHNG and PHKO in a P3D Beech Baron (stock) I was pleasantly impressed with the improvements- graphically smoother, cloud reflections on the sea were sweet, it just felt more refined (does it use DX10?) overall.  I've currently only installed UTX NA and FTX Global for scenery but, man, it seems richer.  The FM is better, imho, as the Beech stock was actually interesting to fly whereas I rarely used the stock version in FSX.  No failures but I did managed a couple of 'derp' moments pushing wrong keys and found myself over-revving and heading for a melt.  P still works!  Anyway, I'm a happy bunny and will add my little stable of aircraft.


And I agree with you John about the improvement and moving forward.


Kind regards,



Edit:  I managed to easily get my G.A.S Lockheed Model 12 to operate in P3D and I will say its even better, graphically and FM-wise than before.  Did some engine management learning to make sure I could still change prop rpm, set mixtures, and such and everything works.  Nice.  I can see some training flights coming on this weekend.

Edited by DaveLeafNiles
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Personally I have found P3D to be more stable than FSX and I have more faith that I am actually going to finish my flight before the sim crashed!

I would like to migrate totally but because of review commitments I have to keep a working FSX system running.

Should LM create a 64bit version that utilises DX11 then I would drop FSX like a hot potato! 



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