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Slopey last won the day on August 19 2020

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4 Neutral

About Slopey

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    Ground Staff

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  1. Those crazy Germans - they love a physical product!
  2. The CH Flight yoke works without any issues, as do the pro rudder pedals.
  3. I think you need another poll option along the lines of "It's Ok, meets expectations" or similar. All you have currently are love/hate, and 3 options which don't really contribute against two very polarised options. For example, I'm quite liking it, but compared to a full Orbx TrueEarth P3D4/5 install, it's not that groundbreaking - but it is miles better than FSX (obviously), and pretty much kicks X-Plane into the long grass - the flight dynamics in 2020 are far more realistic (for light singles I have hours in C152/172) than XP. But it's an evolution, not a revolution. I don'
  4. I'll be on a little stand next to the Tornado JF team, pop along and say Hi!!! I'll have the current Alpha of AH2 running on a laptop with P3D/FSX, so you can see what I'm up to Mutley - I'll see you in the bar no doubt on Friday night... Are you staying over this year? Cheers, Slopey
  5. You don't really have to start FSX from inside REX - after all, all REX does is copy textures inside the FSX folders. If you start FSX independently (or from AH), they'll still be used. You can start the Weather engine separately with REX also, so the way I do it is let AH load FSX, and then start the REX Wx engine (although I prefer Active Sky for my Wx).
  6. Perfect! Been waiting for that for my tripleheaded setup Cool!
  7. As you're aware it's not possible. It's also not currently on the AH2 feature list, but I will consider it. But there are several issues with doing that which the player might not appreciate then inadvertently blame AH2. i) Add-on scenery is terrible for including correct country/state information - half the time, the country name is set to the author name! That makes doing it with add-on scenery very problematic. ii) Some of the smaller/less developed countries don't have enough airports, or geographic area to create variety, or even create jobs - i.e. airport size set to max in
  8. LOL - you wont believe the rubbish I've seen in Aircraft.cfgs over the years! FSX is incredibly tolerant, AH slightly less so! AH2 will pay less attention to commas!
  9. Well done guys - this is exactly why I wrote AH in the first place. Starting up companies and working at them with a small fleet is infinitely more rewarding (imho) than blowing a billion to fly AI 747s all over the place Enjoy!
  10. Hi there, The "default" values for the stock Airbus (and all the stock aircraft actually) are not the same as you'd get if you re-import them. This was done for gameplay reasons to make the purchase of those aircraft at more realistic prices. Rather than change the input routine, I simply adjusted the default values. So, if you re-import the aircraft.cfg, you won't get the same values as if you started a new company and used the default details for the Airbus. Dunno what's up with the fuel thank issue, but then I've never looked at importing that aircraft.cfg again. I'll take a loo
  11. Slopey

    AirHauler 2

    Presentation also available here, without watermark or transitions: http://www.slideshare.net/richardslater777/presentation1-27452148
  12. Slopey

    AirHauler 2

    Here's the presentation (excuse the trial version converter watermark!). Click to advance the slides - this is a carbon copy of what I presented at the show. You can use this in conjunction with the YouTube video to get a feel for it. http://www.airhauler2.com/pres
  13. Slopey

    AirHauler 2

    Hi All, The presentation went pretty well (from my perspective anyway!), around 120 attendees, of which over 50% had AirHauler 1. Rich from JF has the first 20 minutes video'd from his phone which is on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LmnRqPH3xs Note that you can't see the presentation slides that well, and you can only get a feel for the interface, but you can hear yours truly spouting off about it. I'll have the slides uploaded later today and will post a link here and also on facebook/JF, so you can follow along with the slides and the narrative. Cheers, S.
  14. Slopey

    AirHauler 2

    Don't worry John - there is no NDA - remember? All suggestions are welcome, and for those that can't make it to the Flight Sim conference, I'll try and post a summary online in the week or so after.
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