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My Rig....... So far.

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Below is a photo of my FS rig.


I run 2 PCs, a main PC FS and a Secondary PC that carries Plan G and Web site that I use while flying.


The second PC powers the top screen whilst the maim FS PC used the remaining 5 screens through a dual-head for the bottom two, and a triple head for the main screens..


I run seven switch panels, one moving map panel, a warning lights panel, two throttle sets,a yoke, Rudder pedals, trackIR and on my rudimentary centre console, a keyboard and a trackball.


I have five panels that are home made. three switch panels and a warning lights panel the run off two Arduino Mega boards and one moving map panel that is made out of a disassembled android phone.


My other kit is all Saitek as are the mounts for the home made panels.



The plan is to get another two Saitek instrument panels to sit on top of the yoke in the short term and on a longer term basis to replace the triple head screens with a 40 inch screen.


My monitor mounts are made from standard house PVC drain pipes. The wall supports for these are the correct size for the standard screw holes on the back of a monitor.  Two of these will support a screen and a suitable jubilee clip provides up/down adjustment.

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