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Small screen and suggestions?

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I want to build a small screen (8 inch or less)into my FSX rig and am not sure what to buy.


There are screens on the market that are 12v and 480 x 234 resolution with phono plug style video input (RCA i think). Cost - about £25 

Can these be attached to a PC?  I have seen VGA to RCA converters but read somewhere that these required TV output through the VGA output.  I am not sure hoe to find out if my card has this ability.


Or do I have to get a screen with proper VGA input?  If this is the case, and I suspect it may be, where can I get a reasonably priced one?


Any help would be nice!!







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I would recommend getting a proper VGA screen; I tried to use an RCA screen a few years back with my card (using a converter as you have mentioned) without success. Then again, if you can be sure beyond reasonable doubt that TV-OUT does work with your card, then go for it. 


The only problem is that when you upgrade cards in the future, the newer card will likely not support TV-OUT.

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Thanks All.  John that is the kind of thing I am after, probably get one similar but with out the shipping from the US!


Unless you want to sell yours? - I guess it's 110 volts though, but I could probably find another power supply.

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Shipping out of Canada/shipping out of the US = same thing.


No, it is a 12 volt unit (something like 11.5 to 16 volt) designed for use in an auto. Very easy to find 220VAC/12VDC power supplies.


Sorry, I don't want to sell mine. Just thought you might like the link. They are very good about shipping USA to Canada, so I'd bet it is no trouble to send one to the UK.

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