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A Date with a Grand Dame

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I've been waiting for a date with this bird for a long time. Yes the Boeing 377, ugly yet somehow beautiful.


So sit back... not that far  and enjoy.


The office or should I say greenhouse.



Gear up

















NYC bound. Thankyou for flying BOAC 

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How can you say she is ugly?! A true icon of her times and let's face it, you don't look at the mantlepiece when p............



She's anything but ugly.


Tempted to get her, need a classic airliner in my hangar.

Perhaps ugly is a bit harsh, but she has got a double chin but then again the classic figure of eight.


She is a beauty and a bit of a beast to fly, quite a learning curve for me.


@ Paul I can recommend some classic propliners, the DC-3, DC-6 or the Connie all from JF.

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That is a fun Handful to fly. I used it in AirHauler and is the First Really Heavy I flew since flying B24 Liberators in combat sims years ago...and I balled the 377 in on landing doing about75% damage with my most expensive cargo to date at the time....whoot!

But it was an education in slowing down, controlling speed and lining up to runways in such a huge plane.


/Enjoy. and try to keep the learning curve above stall speed when over the runways :)


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