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Aircraft Management?

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Has anyone found a tool that manages aircraft well?


Every time I install an aircraft I clutter up my FSX aircraft selection screen with paints I will never fly.  Also on a fresh install, I include a bunch of default aircraft that I will never use, but cant uninstall them as sometimes their sound sets and other bits are assumed to be there by aircraft I may add on later.


So what I want to do is to be able to mask from the selection screen only, either a specific aircraft, but allow other addons access to it, and/or to mask various installed paints that I dont want to see.


Any ideas?



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Hi John,  What I do is go to the aircraft cfg. in the aircraft file and just place 3 X's in the Panel line for each aircraft I do not want:
Save file.  The aircraft does not appear then, but you have kept the integrity of FSX



See no other Otter other than mine..


One of the worst is the MJC Q400 I just show 3


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Wow that is a great tip! I have just done a complete re-install of FSX and now I will spend some time pruning back the default aircraft before I plant new ones, Then I can trim them as I go along. ..... Sorry about the wording there, this is not a gardening forum!  


You would have thought someone would have written a program to do that, it would be so useful and appeal to many who don't much like getting under the bonnet so to speak.


Thanks James! 

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.....And here is one I made earlier.....


I have given this a try now and it is so easy to do and totally effective.


I never use the default A321 so I tried using James's fix on all the versions, and lo and behold it was gone from my list of aircraft.  


Should I ever want to fly any of my masked aircraft, I just delete the xxx and it will be returned to me.


You don't even have to restart FSX, just exit the close aircraft screen and go back in to see the changes.


Thanks again James.  The simple solutions are always the best!

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