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Mutley Sighting

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I can report numberous confirmed sighings of Mr. & Mrs. Mutley over the past several days enjoying various Central Florida attractions.

He hasn't touched a keyboard since Wednesday morning and is beginning to twitch. We will no doubt be able to remedy that later today.


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Well now, that name - Mutley, was it? - sounds familiar, wasn't he something to do with the Hangar some time??? :cool:

Place is pretty quiet, at the moment, John - so, any info on the subject would be interesting.....

Cheers - Dai :sad:

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Mutley and Mrs. Mutley have just left us for the second part of their vacation, un-escorted by the Allards. I'll leave it to him to tell of the adventures when he returns.

Suffice to say they are terrific people and we had a great time together. None of us may ever eat again!


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John, I hope you looked after Mutley and kept him away from Hillary Clinton. It seems wherever she goes a hail of bullets, thermonuclear devices, 50 cal rounds, and crazed terrorist follow. Thank god she's a superwoman. :yikes:

We'll done Hillary!

I appreciate your opinion of this woman know. :thumbup:

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No confirmed Hillary sightings while Joe was here, Martin, but she was in the same city with us yesterday, without our permission. She was at Pope AFB/Fort Bragg, where she was probably in more danger than she was in Bosnia, considering her view of our military.

Fortunately they are too professional to retaliate against her, but in general the US military regards her with about as much respect as she does them, which is to say - very little.

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001_shopus.gif [blink]RETURN OF THE MUT![/blink] 001_shopus.gif

Ok steady at the helm!

Luckily we flew back into Gatwick this morning along with our luggage, I'm just reading about T5 at LHR, what a farce!

Thanks to John and Pam for showing me and Lisa an memorable time, I challenge anyone not to like America and it's people, we found them all so friendly, have a nice day!

Dai, your gift to John was very well received :yikes:

Pictures to follow soon.


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Thank god, the Mut is back, now we can sleep at night. If only you could appreciate the torment I've gone through these last few weeks. I hate to admit it but I turned to the bottle. One might, I opened my eyes and found myself leaning against a wall, with a bottle of the local alcoholic beverage at my side. My doctor tells me I

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Hello UM

Anyway you're back now, so please sort out the ridiculous opposition to stem cell research, fix the conveyors at Heathrow and please make sure they don't let any more terrorists out of jail because they
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I sense your holiday has done you a power of good Mutley and energised your aged neurons. :tattle:

:yikes: back Mutley.

Thanks UM, I can tell that you missed me, no one to insult etc etc!!

Just to pee you off, with scenery like this (Yesterday I think) on the Gulf of Mexico in an area they call the Gulf beaches near Sarasota, you can't fail to be relaxed. I would heartily recommend Florida for it's biodiversities, a fabulous place, we have so much to go back for. (Unfortunately we had left John at this point)



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