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MH homepage down?

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Hi Guys,

Apologies for the site being down it is back up again this morning, I logged a support call at 20.00 BST yesterday not expecting a response until Tuesday, but it looks as though they have re-booted the server.

You may have seen from previous posts I have trouble before, it's only been a problem since they moved my site to a new high speed "more reliable" :) server.

I was having a good look around for other hosts last night but came to the conclusion that it's better the devil you know. :cool:

Hopefully by now everyone has the shortcut straight to the forum which is on a different host. http://mhf.jconserv.net.

One word of advice though the forum host's IP does appear to be on a SPAM list somewhere as I am getting quite a few messages bounced back to my Admin address. This is mostly from posts that you are subscribed to so if you find posting has been going on that you are not aware of this may be the cause. Just to name names, ddavid I get quite a few returned from you but with other messages, have you changed your mail address? If so perhaps you could mail me the new address.

If anyone has any other problems please mail me to let me know.

Happy Easter,


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Have you guys noticed that the ads at the bottom of this page are in the Cyrillic alpabet?


EDIT: Well, they were, but now they're not.

Hi John,

I have noticed this too, it mostly happens to me when I am posting a reply.

Google Adsense which I believe the host uses is supposed to only show ads that are relevant to the content so I'm not sure why it thinks we are looking for Russian site :)

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