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How to settle an argument

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It seems that this member of the public wanted access to Buckingham Palace. When the Policeman refused, an argument ensued and became heated


Step in HM Coldstream Guards to settle the argument.....




I think he got the point!


It reminds me of an incident I witnessed many years ago when just the so called "Ring of Steal" was thrown up around London.

There was a checkpoint just outside Liverpool station, manned by a male and female Police officer.

A builders van was stopped at the checkpoint by the male officer in the road and the female officer went to speak to the driver. An argument ensued and became quite heated.

The male policeman then nodded at a parked police car that I had assumed was the checkpoint polices transport.  The doors opened an four men got out in the complete armed police regalia, helmets body Armour and machine guns.

In seconds the van was surrounded by shouting armed police, with an officer at the fount pointing his weapon through the front windscreen at the driver. Another armed officer ripped open the drivers door and pulled the driver out, threw him to the floor and cuffed him.  Serves him right for thinking he could pick on a female copper.


The only other Incident I have seen was at the bank of England when I was a boy.  My dad worked there and I had come to see him as he was going to take me on a tour of the bank including the gold vaults. As we left, we went around to the rear of the bank to see a shipment of gold leave the bank in the specially designed lorries (for the weight of the gold). We got their a bit early and had to wait for the van to leave.The police escort turned up, and immediately went over to a van parked illegally and right next to the rear gate.  The van was locked and the police couldn't get access to the vehicle. Time was of the essence I guess, because within a very short time a tow truck turned up. They then tried to gain access once more by smashing the window, first the side and then the front window. for some reason they still couldn't move the van, I think it had one of those old anti-theft lockable hand break covers on it. By now the van was looking a mess. The tow truck was backed up and the front of the van winched off the ground. The van was then towed away, which was spectacular as the breaks were still on. The rear wheels were locked and the van disappeared in a cloud of smoke as friction started to burn off the rubber from the rear wheels.By the time that van reached the pound it would have been a total wreck.

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People seem to forget that those guards are not there to look pretty for the tourists. In spite of the old style ceremonial uniforms they are highly trained soldiers who have seen more action than the "dude from da hood!" will ever do! He was lucky, if it had been me he was arguing with I'd have slotted him. (self defence etc!)

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Not sure what surprised me more...this nutter taking on one of the Queen's guards or that the press have him pegged as 23-year-old Nigerian who came to Britain illegally, who said he 'presumed' that the Royal Family would welcome him into the palace as their lost son. Seems he now wants to go home to Nigeria as he hates it here.... Happy trails, amigo! ;)

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I hear that Tasers can be quite conducive...let's hope this chap prefers his home town more than the Palace ;)


Conducive or conductive?  Shocking!

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