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FSiPanel Announces Prepar3d V2.1 and Airbus X Support

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FSiPanel Announces Prepar3d V2.1 and Airbus X Support


The development team at FSiPanel is proud to announce that their latest update to their software now features simulator support for Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3d V2.1 and additional aircraft support for Aerosoft’s Airbus X aircraft.


FSiPanel allows flight simulator pilots to train like real pilots and allows for proper training on highly sophisticated aircraft.


As an airline pilot for 15 years and a huge fan of flight simulator, the developer wanted to develop this tool to allow proper training on highly sophisticated airplanes. He found frustrating that after landing and in order to fly another approach, the whole airplane had to be repositioned on GND, FMS programmed etc. This procedure used to take another 15 minutes to fly another approach, now with FSiPanel, it only takes a few seconds.


FSiPanel consists of an instructor panel, with a weather engine, allowing the pilots to train any kind of IFR approach into any airport in the FSX library.


FSiPanel prepare the airplane for you in the following way:

- Position the aircraft in FINAL, DOWNWIND, BASE, VECTORS or T/O POS
- Spool up the engines
- Trim the aircraft
- Does the NAV setting for the approach.

When everything is ready, the pilots get the info and can take over control to fly the approach. It can be used on a single station or as a client / server to allow a fully loaded experience.


Why is FSiPanel different from other available instructor stations?

FSiPanel is aircraft type specific for a better experience.


The idea behind this software is not to control every single option of FSX but rather to let you train sophisticated aircraft the same way as airline pilots train in full motion simulators.


What do you need to have a good training session?

Time! When discovering a new airplane or to keep proficiency, the most critical phases of the flight are trained, with FSiPanel, these phases can be simulated within a few seconds and you can repeat the same approach varying the weather, type of approach, etc.


When FSiPanel gives you control, your aircraft will be:

- Properly trimmed
- Stabilized in Pitch & Power for the configuration
- Final NAV setting completed for the approach
- Checklists completed
- If flying a traffic pattern, your route will be programmed for you in your FMS, you can then fly a quick left hand or right hand pattern in LNAV and VNAV.


This software is designed for serious flight simulator enthusiasts willing to practice approaches and different other scenarios without losing precious time, exactly like the pros!


FSiPanel supports most high end FSX aircraft that are currently available:


- NEW! Aerosoft’s Airbus X (FSUIPC Registered Version Required)
- iFly’s 737NG (All Variants)
- PMDG’s 737NG (All Variants), 747 / 747F, and 777-200LR / 777F
- Level D’s 767


Additional aircraft will be added based on user requests. For more information, screenshots, and to purchase this great product today visit http://www.flight1.com/products.asp?product=fsipanel

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