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Intro to Multi-Player Missions

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I put together this mini tuorial on Multi-Player Missions for my mates over on FSXMissiosHangar and thought I'd share it with you...

Multi-Player Missions - Part 1: Introduction

If you've installed FSX, you've more than likely flown one of the missions. Many of you will have tried out the Multi-Player (MP) function, either via GameSpy, before its demise, or with an alternative hosting system. But, I wonder how many have experienced MP missions - or even know that more than 20 MP missions come with the SP2/Acceleration update for FSX?

If, indeed, you have installed SP2 or Acceleration, you can try any of the MP missions yourself - and this is how to do it:

From the main FSX menu, select Multi-Player:


On the Multi-Player menu, select:

1. Local network

2. Enter your name

3. Click 'Sign In'


On the next page, choose to Host a Session:


On the Session Information menu select:

1. Mission (not Free Flight)

2. Enter a Session Name

3. Make the session Visible on your LAN

4. Click NEXT to continue


On the MP Mission Play List menu, the first mission is the Hawaii Loop Course. Click NEXT if you want to select this mission:


Alternatively, you can select the Secret Island Race mission:


Now you come to the Host Options menu where you select:

1. Session Rules (use preset values)

2. TeamSpeak or Skype work, if you prefer

3. Click NEXT to continue


The last page is the Briefing Room where Multi-Player allows you to wait for other players to join your mission. If you haven't given anyone details (Host URL, MP mission, time of session, etc) then you can fly the mission alone by clicking the FLY NOW button:


This particular MP mission starts in the air over FSX's Secret Island (remember the Tokyo Executive Transport mission?!?). It's quite difficult as a single player mission and would be great as a race.

To end this introduction to Multi-Player missions, I loaded the Secret Island Race into Jim Keir's FSXMission Editor (FSXME) to see what the mission structure looked like. As you can see, it's not complicated:


So, if you have built missions before, you should be in a position to try MP missions, too. Hopefully, I'll be back with some more suggestions.

If you'd like to have a go at some of the MP races let us know and I'll try and organise a session.

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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This is true Dai. From what I understand it's as easy as one line of code in the Metadata to make it work. The hard part is writing it to keep two or more people busy with a task.

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Micke - Yes and No!! Each Player has the Same Mission, but individual Players can be tasked with different objectives within the mission. This needs a bit of thought...


Basically, the MP missions included in FSX are races with each competitor following the  same course. So, it's fine for a fly-in type situation where everyone T&G's and/or lands at the same field. Adding complexity to this is possible but I'm still trying to get the details right.


THanks for your interest. :thum:


Cheers - Dai. :cool:


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I would think you could set different goals within the mission as long as The Player is addressed in Triggers(IsGlobal property) and Actions(TargetPlayer) properly. The different goals can be reached by attaching the actions and triggers accordingly to those specific goals.


Am I wrong in thinking that Dai, I never really looked into muli-player missions and don't think there have been many freeware ones made either.



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Might need to have a go at mission building now ;)

Perhaps it's possible to assign new waypoints depending on the order that the users get there.

First through the gate do this, second through the gate do that etc....

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As always, it's matching your mission concepts with what is do-able by the mission engine. So, if you can attach a particular set of actions to one player only, then you can get several to attempt individual tasks. Maybe the completion of these tasks together form a team goal? On the other hand, it might be possible for a cops and robbers chase - so forth...

First step is probably to consider a Fly-In MP mission with all doing the same course. More complex missions follow...

I guess you are up to MP mission testing?!?

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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I have never flown in any kind of multi-player scenario, mission or even Vatsim. That doesn't mean I won't give it a try. :)


Would I have to make radio calls, I have tried that and I sound like Joe Walsh on Qualudes. :D

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Thanks, Sam - I'll be posting more about the possibilities of MP missions when I can get my head round writing a suitable scenario. Stay tuned as we'll need several players and you - and any other Hangarian - will be most welcome to join.

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Dai, sent you a suggestion for a scenario I've been thinking about via PM...


I won't have the time or energy to learn mission building at the moment anyway, so you can use it if you want to..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will keep my eyes peeled for updates Dai, I wonder if you can create fly-ins or something of a similar nature? - would be pretty cool.


Thanks, Sam - I'll be posting more about the possibilities of MP missions when I can get my head round writing a suitable scenario. Stay tuned as we'll need several players and you - and any other Hangarian - will be most welcome to join.

Cheers - Dai. :cool:





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