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Buffer pools , do we use them or not?

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I cannot take credit for this article but for those playing with buffer pools in the fsx .cfg  this will set to rest any thoughts you had about snake oil etc if you are using dx9 then read this article to help aid performance if you are using dx10 or 11 in short you delete any reference to buffer pools.



Buffers, BufferPools and Vertices…
rev1.2 Oct 24, 2013
Vertex Buffers (Courtesy of RasterTek:- http://www.informix-...ng-io-with.html
GPU: 2004 - PD: http://social.techne...inement=41&ac=2
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia....iki/Framebuffer
DirectX v9.x Buffer Management:
A buffer "pool" in the DX9 FSX world, is a large number of memory buffers, created as a major component of a rendering pipeline system which will allow graphics processing to be shared between the CPU and the GPU.

they contain the raw geometric data in a one-dimensional array of Vertex data, which is used to build up a scene. In DX9, the buffer pool improves system performance by allowing the CPU to fill the buffers with vertex data, while at the same time allowing the GPU to process earlier batches of vertex data. This is akin to parallel processing, and was necessary with the early versions of FSX, because graphics cards had but a smidgeon of speed and memory that gpu cards have nowadays, and much graphics processing was done by the main cpu, with the buffer parameters pretty much set by Microsoft, and not touched or tweaked by the user.
DirectX v10.x Buffer Management:
In DX9.x, the data in the rendering pipeline was shared between the CPU and the GPU: in DX10, this is not the case - all graphics processing is undertaken by the GPU, thus freeing up system memory, roughly a size equivalent to what is currently in-use by the GPU. This is the single, most significant change, this alone, providing a boost in smoothness and performance for the system side. Buffer Size: Because most data manipulation takes place in buffer pools, right-sizing the buffer(s) is important. Too small and there may well be a crash from a 'buffer overflow': too large, and memory space is wasted. (quote from 'Raf' - ACES Team, in a 2007 post "In RTM, the default setting was 1MB (1000000). The lower this number, the more pools the allocator will have to rummage through to find space for buffers and the more stutters you may have. In Sp1, we raised the default to 4MB (4000000) and optimized the underlying algorithm for finding free buffers. So be careful here, making this smaller can hurt you, since searching for space takes time and can cause stutters, and making the number too large can waste space. 4-10m is probably the range to be thinking about using unless you have a very high memory graphics card ( >512 ) (/quote) With the release of SP2, the buffer size was moved to 8MB (8388608).
For the purposes of the examples below I will suggest a "given" GPU having 2 GB of video memory. In default FSX - graphics data is sent from the CPU to the GPU in a "pipeline". When each data object gets to the GPU - it is assigned to a buffer - an address space in video ram. The GPU creates a pool of such buffers, with FSX controlling the size for each buffer - normally defaulting to the FSX SP2 default of 8MB (8388608 bytes). There is no "overt" user input in the default system, however - since the Jesus "Bojote" Altuve revelations 2009 - 2010 - the FSX user can also have control - hence this document.
Setting UsePools=1 in the fsx.cfg file will tell FSX to control the creation of shared vertex buffers - dynamic buffers initially, at the default size of 8MB, and then to place all of the data objects arriving into those buffers until they're full, the old data being replaced by fresh data as it's processed out, with more buffers being created as necessary, and discarded (questionable) when not needed, and so on, as the datastream data quantity increases and decreases. At some point it will level off, if there's no more pressure from the CPU. It is not necessary to enter this setting on its own into the fsx.cfg unless one wished to change the buffer size with PoolSize=xxxxxxx
Setting UsePools=0 in the fsx.cfg file will cause the GPU (in DX10) to create as large a number of small "dedicated" static buffers as the pipeline data supply needs, and will put every data object coming from the CPU into its own dedicated buffer. Static buffers will generally show a performance gain, and nice if

your GPU is fast with lots of memory! This setting allows the GPU to control the numbers of, and size of each buffer.
At this point in the dialogue then we have two methods of buffer control, if you like, one being UsePools=0, where all buffers are static and dedicated, with the GPU in control, and the other method being UsePools =1, with all buffers being dynamic and shared, with the size controlled by FSX or the user.
Having the FSX user control the buffering process with UsePools=1 introduces some issues, such as - "When is a buffer too large?" or "How many is too many?" We don't want to waste memory space: buffers too small may well result in more buffers than the GPU has room for, or, if an object is too large for a buffer, a stall and a spike may - or will result.
When using UsePools=0, it is easy - the GPU handles the creation decisions.
What is needed here, then - is some method of optimizing the performance of the buffering system, when UsePools=1, so that it matches the throughput of the pipeline. This can be achieved with the addition of a RejectThreshold number, in bytes. A RejectThreshold will allow the FSX user to set an object-size limit to the shared buffer, so that when used, the GPU will create a dedicated buffer for any incoming object which is larger than the RT number. RejectThreshold=xxxxxx therefore provides a method whereby the balance - the ratio - between shared and dedicated buffers can be altered - the lower the RT number the more objects get their own buffer, and theoretically, if low enough, it would end up having the same effect as reducing the threshold to zero, with every object getting its own dedicated, static buffer. The result would then be the same as UsePools=0.
The general rules are:-
1). If the GPU is very fast, and with a good-sized memory, say 2 - 4 gig - it can eat all of the incoming data and wait for more, so we allow the GPU to give every object its own buffer by UsePools=0.
To control any spiking, lowering of the IQ sliders in FSX is the best course of action. If spiking or artifacting occurs, then switch to UsePools=1, and experiment with RT sizes.
2). If the GPU is kinda "medium-range" - a 660 or 670 - fed by a 4.6 - 4.7-gig CPU - then we should use UsePools=1, making all buffers shared. In this case - as with most systems - this will be, or what should be used, and by adding a RejectThreshold - a small number - say 262144 (256kB) under the UsePools=1 line. It will look like this:- RejectThreshold=262144
The RejectThreshold will act as a throttle, by allowing the creation of dedicated buffers - which is then of course, a little bit of UsePools=0 mixing in - it could mean that 20% of the buffers are now dedicated, while the other 80% are shared. If we make that number smaller, then more dedicated buffers will be created, with the resulting improved performance. In this example (above) this number - 262144 - might be perfect: if not, then larger - or smaller - number will show the way. This needs the user's testing.
Spiking will require lowering of the IQ sliders in FSX or increasing the size of the RT, or raising the size of each buffer.
3). If, however - the CPU is stronger than the GPU, such as a 4.5-gig CPU feeding a 560TI with only a gig of video ram - we will definitely need UsePools=1 for sure, but with a big-ish RT, say 1MB (10485760). Other larger or smaller numbers and testing will show the way. Some benefit may be gained by experimenting with the buffer size, too, as shown below:-

UsePools =1
Other RT numbers may be tried, (e.g. 65536, 131072,262144 ,524288, 786432, 10475760 ) .
The final numbers will depend upon a number of other factors, most which are set in the fsx,cfg, along with the entries in RadeonPro or Nvidia Inspector. These settings will also be dependent upon monitor size and the overall "pressure" that are the user's expectations!
I hope this helps! pj, Oct 23rd, 2013 revised Mar 21, 2014

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Got lost at about 20 %...so, do we or do we not? I did not messed with the fsx.cfg from the last install (except the "highmemfix" thingy), and its running just fine. DX9, win 8.1.


Thanks Eddie, now there is the real question. :thum:


I don't think I added it after going through Kostas guide, maybe because of something about hyperthreading(I have Win7) if I remember correctly.(although I don't have much of a memory left at this point :D ) 

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