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The Passenger.

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It's midnight, Goodwood Airfield in Sussex. A car arrives, the passenger, has been told to expect to find an aircraft waiting with its engines running, he is to board the aircraft which will drop him in France where he will be met. Sure enough, the aircraft is waiting for him. Goodwood doesnt normally operate at night but someone has been persuaded to light the runway..


closing the doors the aircraft takes off but keeps low.


crossing the coast near Bognor Regis


Keeping low over the channel, the cabin lights spilling onto the wing give a glimpse of the aircraft


In the pitch dark, instrument flying is essential


as they approach the French coast the hi-vis strobe lights are turned off


very shortly they are on the ground at Vittefleur right on the coast. The passenger leaves the aircraft and is met by car waiting in the dark,


A swift departure and the aircraft is heading Northwest across the French coast


A while later and the lights of Sussex reappear through the gloom


Approaching Goodwood, the lights just visble in the light rain


rolling out at EGHR


Parked on the flightline


as the sun comes up a few hours later, the aircraft is revealed to be a Swearingen Merlin.


No one would have any idea about the nights activities.


all is quiet again, the residents of Chichester just imagined they heard a plane in the night!


Later that morning the Merlin departs heading North. Who the mystery passenger was, or what his business was, the pilot did not need to know......


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  On 26/09/2014 at 16:05, Gunner said:

Nice set Allan. Where did you get that plane?

Thanks, I found it last night , Its a freeware model, but I've always had a soft spot for those aircraft. The Merlin is often forgotten due to a market dominated by Cessna and Piper, but they are superb aircraft. Here is the link to this one..  pc_sa-227tt_merlin_300.zip

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Great set ! :thum:  Where do you find the time to get familiar with all these planes ? Sometimes takes me an hour to download, install read the docs and figure out how to start the thing...  :)  so that's several flight hours before feeling at home in there. (Knowing I'm retired, don't watch TV and don't go to sleep before 3 o'clock morning most of the time...  I am very admirative !

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I understand... I have another strategy in fact, I fly many hours in a few planes. Don't have enough room in my hangar to store too many !  :D  And if I don't fly them often enough, I have forgotten all data and have to read the whole thing again about take off speed, climb rate, approach speed, max flaps speed and all these things...  Getting old, I suppose... :(

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I have yet to read how to fly an add on. I just hop in and look for appropriate switches, get it running and get the annunciator board, if any, clear-ish. Within a 'class' of planes they all have similar basic systems (non-avionic) that one can work through to start up. I tend to figure out autopilots on the fly...and keep gauges in the green on the way...and it often works out fine. Since I don't fly IFR...my learning curve on a new airplane is fairly short. I am def going to.pick up that Merlin when I get home. I am enjoying a couple in that class now...Flysimware Cessna 402 (Great model...love it), and the milviz B55 Baron...I actually like the Cessna better so far.

PSP...if I have forgotten things like stall speeds...I have a shortcut to my aircraft folder on my desktop. I just navigate to the aircraft.cfg file to get the reference speeds.
I rotate when the plane feels like it...or I run out of runway...whichever comes first :) .

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